General | Posts | Topic starter | Active |
General Conversations - The Sixth | 991 | Galactus | 13 h 46 m |
New Trailers (2025) | 44 | MoNsTeR | 3 d |
Help | 808 | Galactus | 5 d |
Worst Parents | 13 | Rotemeg | 5 h 51 m |
How Fast Can They Go? | 24 | Ambush | 11 h 8 m |
Name A Fictional Character And Others Will Reply One Of The 6 Games In Squid Game S1 IYO If That Character Will Lose One Of Them Or Win Entire Thing | 50 | Ambush | 18 h 12 m |
Best Adaptation of this Character | 16 | Rotemeg | 1 d |
Menace to society | 9 | Rotemeg | 1 d |
Worst Season | 15 | Tigerking2020 | 1 d |
Best Season | 100 | Rotemeg | 1 d |
What is an unpopular opinion you have? | 1581 | Tyrannus | 2 d |
Character Themes | 1 | Rotemeg | 2 d |
Debunking misconceptions | 3 | Rotemeg | 3 d |
Badasses | 22 | Rotemeg | 4 d |
Thoughts About Squid Game Season 1? | 2 | Ambush | 5 d |
Ideas | 94 | Big_Bungus | 5 d |
Best Trailers | 10 | MoNsTeR | 6 d |
Crossover Couples | 15 | Rotemeg | 7 d |
Better villain/Antagonist | 53 | voidstone | 8 d |
Favourite singer | 29 | Pedrof | 10 d |
Who is your favorite user in the site | 478 | TheSuspect666 | 11 d |
How Far can he Go? | 3 | Rotemeg | 11 d |
What Ifs | 273 | BlotskyA | 11 d |
Smartest characters in dc and marvel | 27 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 11 d |
Random Lists About the Site | 107 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 11 d |
Which song fits this Character | 148 | Rotemeg | 12 d |
Fan Theories | 158 | Alien_X | 13 d |
Overrated/underrated Feats | 30 | Rotemeg | 17 d |
What would be your superhero name? | 8 | Ezio | 19 d |
Name a Fictional Character and Others will reply another fictional character that would beat them | 1335 | Ambush | 22 d |
Top 3: How and When the world will end? | 12 | mtrindadc | 25 d |
Best YouTube Shorts edits | 15 | Rotemeg | 26 d |
Characters you hate the most | 301 | Lord_Of_Apokolips | 27 d |
Questions | 34 | Walid27 | 30 d |
Power level | 50 | Rotemeg | 30 d |
Who is The Strongest Fictional Character? | 27 | Jamal_09 | 1 mo 1 d |
Explain how "Tier" works with example | 4 | ArcaneSilver | 1 mo 1 d |
Top10 most powerful verse | 18 | voidstone | 1 mo 3 d |
Saddest superhero scene | 42 | Jongensoden | 1 mo 5 d |
What’s your Favourite Toys | 34 | Unicron | 1 mo 6 d |
Best Animated show from each year | 30 | Rotemeg | 1 mo 13 d |
THE COOLEST SCENE OF ALL TIME | 32 | Walid27 | 1 mo 19 d |
Cute or Ugly? | 3 | Ambush | 1 mo 21 d |
Best Zombie Universe | 12 | Galactus | 1 mo 29 d |
Bad community power-scalers. | 16 | Hesperus | 2 mo 4 d |
Star Wars questionnare | 10 | Tyrannus | 2 mo 5 d |
Finish The Quote And Others Will Reply They're Guessed Line | 13 | Ambush | 2 mo 5 d |
Card Game Based on the Statistics from This Website | 5 | cromofantasy | 2 mo 7 d |
Whats Is your favorite Thing In comic | 7 | TheTerminator | 2 mo 11 d |
Do you believe aliens exist | 58 | Jongensoden | 2 mo 11 d |
What's your favorite Death battle episodes? | 11 | Rotemeg | 2 mo 13 d |
Top 3 Video Edit Clips | 1 | mtrindadc | 2 mo 13 d |
Top 3 Curiosities in human history that almost nobody knows | 1 | mtrindadc | 2 mo 15 d |
Other interests or hobbies | 40 | HeroicSacrifice123 | 2 mo 15 d |
Who Can Defeat SCP-001 (Swann's proposal) ? | 28 | Doomsday | 2 mo 30 d |
Overrated, Underated, Perfectly Rated | 500 | Big_Bungus | 3 mo 7 d |
Are The-One-Above-All and The Presence really the most powerful? | 31 | boss4dawin1324 | 3 mo 8 d |
Heralds' Board | 184 | Ezio | 3 mo 12 d |
Name 5 Traits That Fictional Characters represent in your Opinion | 6 | Ambush | 3 mo 19 d |
What should the bat do? | 3 | Rotemeg | 3 mo 22 d |
what is your best feat? | 48 | ultron | 3 mo 24 d |
Can Dr Doom solo The Entire Dragon Ball Verse? | 17 | Ambush | 3 mo 24 d |
What Universe would you rather live in. | 60 | Galactus | 3 mo 26 d |
If you could have 5 superpowers what would they be? | 59 | datboi12ty | 3 mo 28 d |
Name 5 - 10 Nice/Kind Words To 1 User that You Love on This Site❤️ | 12 | Ambush | 3 mo 30 d |
favourite books | 21 | Hesperus | 4 mo 2 d |
Statements carry this character | 3 | Rotemeg | 4 mo 7 d |
Favorite Fictional Character of All-Time? | 15 | Ambush | 4 mo 11 d |
What's your favorite song at the moment ? | 25 | Prion | 4 mo 11 d |
SHDb in Google Sheets | 5 | cromofantasy | 4 mo 13 d |
Most spiteful match ups you have seen | 6 | Rotemeg | 4 mo 13 d |
If you could have a superpower what would it be and why | 39 | Wic23 | 4 mo 14 d |
Top 5 Friends on Superherodb | 444 | ManofPower | 4 mo 18 d |
Fictional character with the most attractive voice | 13 | sonyablade | 4 mo 18 d |
Who is the most dangerous and OP Villain? | 10 | mtrindadc | 4 mo 18 d |
Top 10 any futuristic Weapons of FICTION | 6 | mtrindadc | 4 mo 28 d |
Favorite / Best Comic Themed YouTube Channels | 12 | AkhilPDX | 4 mo 30 d |
How Old Are You | 244 | SirSpidey | 5 mo 1 d |
1 to 10 BETTER AIs from fiction | 6 | mtrindadc | 5 mo 2 d |
Why 300,000yrs of existence but only 5000yrs of history? | 18 | mtrindadc | 5 mo 6 d |
Who Do You Think the most active user on this site from the last 4 months | 28 | Breaker | 5 mo 9 d |
Best duo | 22 | Walid27 | 5 mo 9 d |
Best version of... | 159 | Galactus | 5 mo 9 d |
Drop something that would never be debated | 17 | Rajneesh26477 | 5 mo 9 d |
What is real name of everyone? | 12 | Mxyzptlk | 5 mo 9 d |
Ocs Leadership test | 3 | Dellmamy45 | 5 mo 11 d |
How many points would a peak human have in this site? | 13 | Manx | 5 mo 12 d |
Great feats in battles that no one knows about...history, fiction, etc. | 2 | mtrindadc | 5 mo 16 d |
Fictional air military technologies that may be useful and possible to create today. | 7 | mtrindadc | 5 mo 16 d |
Classic References | 3 | amaltaas | 5 mo 24 d |
Cosmology Tiering System | 31 | amaltaas | 5 mo 25 d |
Which universe do you consider the most wanked? | 41 | Tigerking2020 | 6 mo 6 d |
New Powers/Abilities Suggestions | 1 | Walid27 | 6 mo 9 d |
What if the justice league met the seven? | 10 | Rotemeg | 6 mo 13 d |
What is the reasoning behind your username? | 70 | HeroicSacrifice123 | 6 mo 14 d |
Viltrum empire invade dragon ball | 9 | Rotemeg | 6 mo 14 d |
Which is the best superhero casting of all time | 22 | Michealdem17 | 7 mo 1 d |
Best superheros outside marvel and DC | 17 | Rotemeg | 7 mo 1 d |
does anyone have quora | 6 | Jongensoden | 7 mo 2 d |
Democratic voting | 36 | Juggenaut | 7 mo 2 d |
Who did it better..? | 7 | Walid27 | 7 mo 5 d |
Dc: infinity stones | 6 | Lantern_Von_Doom | 7 mo 9 d |
Plot twist | 2 | Walid27 | 7 mo 9 d |
NBA Playoffs 2025 | 16 | Ambush | 7 mo 10 d |
Is Miles Tails Prower actually Immortal? | 6 | Ambush | 7 mo 13 d |
Who is your favorite Hero/Villain? | 40 | datboi12ty | 7 mo 15 d |
Your top 3's | 74 | ThorGodOfThunder94 | 7 mo 18 d |
No Kill Rule? | 131 | ThorMathews | 7 mo 18 d |
Finish the drawing | 2 | Walid27 | 7 mo 25 d |
Caused the biggest event in fiction. | 3 | Walid27 | 7 mo 27 d |
Who is the most knowledgeable on each verse/continuity? | 83 | Bluehornet | 8 mo 2 d |
Time Travel, People. WHAT is the most plausible theory? | 6 | sonyablade | 8 mo 6 d | Exactly would Omnipotent beings fight? | 19 | sonyablade | 8 mo 13 d |
Disappointing Ending | 20 | Walid27 | 8 mo 19 d |
Which do you prefer, Comics Or Books? | 3 | DarkRaven | 9 mo 1 d |
Do you like or hate this writer | 98 | Jongensoden | 9 mo 1 d |
What your Ethnicity? | 32 | Bane333 | 9 mo 2 d |
Top 5 Favourite users | 58 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 9 mo 6 d |
Top 3 Most Powerful Verses in Any Media | 11 | Jonas | 9 mo 7 d |
Stats used for characters | 11 | acctingman | 9 mo 22 d |
Your honest thoughts | 6 | Rotemeg | 9 mo 26 d |
Choose your Superteam | 11 | DannyGurney | 10 mo 4 d |
Where are you from? | 19 | Hawkinz | 10 mo 7 d |
Who will you choose to protect you? | 9 | Rajneesh26477 | 10 mo 10 d |
If you had your own comic universe, what would you name it ? | 18 | Hurricano | 10 mo 11 d |
Some Great News! | 25 | BlotskyA | 10 mo 11 d |
What's your troll code name? | 29 | Bane333 | 10 mo 11 d |
What god are you? | 36 | God_of_Humanity | 10 mo 13 d |
If you'd have to become a hero which hero would you choose? | 17 | Royce | 10 mo 15 d |
First Debate | 34 | RedEyeJoe | 10 mo 16 d |
Tell about the characters you relate yourself the most. | 5 | Rajneesh26477 | 10 mo 18 d |
Who are you? | 72 | masterking2 | 10 mo 28 d |
Gungnir vs Mjolnir | 2 | CaptainAmericaTakesAll | 10 mo 30 d |
What is everyone's real name | 122 | Bane333 | 11 mo 8 d |
Define "Him" | 23 | Walid27 | 11 mo 12 d |
The Most Underrated Powers... | 87 | datboi12ty | 11 mo 27 d |
Are you introvert or extrovert or ambivert? | 6 | Salen1110 | 11 mo 30 d |
Say hello | 50 | Galactus | 1 y 4 d |
How did you find out about this website? | 46 | Galactus | 1 y 4 d |
Wtf Moments | 3 | Walid27 | 1 y 5 d |
When's your birthday? | 45 | plaidcoolflyer | 1 y 9 d |
Best debater(s) of this site | 12 | Clint_Barton | 1 y 9 d |
Sad Moments | 1 | Walid27 | 1 y 17 d |
Dumbest/Bad Writing | 3 | Walid27 | 1 y 17 d |
Best Wife Material | 3 | Walid27 | 1 y 19 d |
Profile Picture Suggestions | 8 | Walid27 | 1 y 23 d |
what is a weird food combination u like? | 7 | ultron | 1 y 26 d |
best snack? | 24 | ultron | 1 y 1 mo 9 d |
Happy New Year! 2024 | 7 | Zerothemimikyu | 1 y 1 mo 10 d |
Most overrated thing | 21 | ultron | 1 y 1 mo 12 d |
Drinking contest? | 39 | ThorMathews | 1 y 1 mo 21 d |
Why Omnipotence is High Universal | 91 | the_anarchy01 | 1 y 2 mo 4 d |
The World Cup | 69 | Tyrannus | 1 y 2 mo 8 d |
Help someone out | 9 | DeanDinosaur6 | 1 y 3 mo 8 d |
Favorite fictional universe | 27 | Jongensoden | 1 y 3 mo 14 d |
Rating Death Scenes | 6 | GivejusticetoKnull | 1 y 3 mo 15 d |
What's the Biggest Mismatch You've Ever Seen | 25 | Joshn4 | 1 y 3 mo 15 d |
favourite youtuber? | 16 | ultron | 1 y 3 mo 26 d |
Scary Topics | 12 | BlotskyA | 1 y 3 mo 29 d |
Top 10 most weakest verse | 4 | voidstone | 1 y 5 mo 5 h 19 m |
Which video game would u like to see a live action adaption from? | 21 | ultron | 1 y 5 mo 4 d |
What is your top 3 favourite anime series | 26 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 1 y 5 mo 13 d |
What was the worst thing you've ever heard about fiction? | 70 | Pedrof | 1 y 6 mo 26 d |
Biggest debate you had | 44 | Jongensoden | 1 y 7 mo 2 d |
Who is your favorite in any media | 9 | voidstone | 1 y 7 mo 3 d |
Funniest Superhero Parodies You've Seen | 2 | HolyJoe | 1 y 7 mo 25 d |
Angry but good Marvel Characters? | 5 | kuekuatsu | 1 y 8 mo 5 d |
Who is the weakest live action and comic batman | 13 | ultron | 1 y 8 mo 17 d |
In your opinion the Best Movie and Video Game EVER. | 27 | MarvelBoy107 | 1 y 8 mo 29 d |
Who is your favourite character and why did you choose him as your favourite character? | 28 | Tahsin | 1 y 8 mo 29 d |
What would u do? | 21 | ultron | 1 y 9 mo 6 d |
My Favorite Superhero website | 18 | Breaker | 1 y 9 mo 19 d |
Who is your Favourite Cereal | 16 | Unicron | 1 y 9 mo 20 d |
Make a character out of�?� | 20 | sonyablade | 1 y 9 mo 27 d |
What Time do you wake up? | 17 | BlotskyA | 1 y 10 mo 22 d |
I wish comics were darker and more brutal | 36 | ThorMathews | 1 y 11 mo 9 d |
Comic vs Comic | 88 | Jongensoden | 1 y 11 mo 13 d |
Users | 10 | ManofPower | 1 y 11 mo 22 d |
what is the most a human being will ever be able to lift | 7 | ultron | 2 y 4 d |
What superhero would be the best at Chess Boxing? | 24 | Savage | 2 y 6 d |
Biggest Mistakes Marvel Has Made (or keeps making) | 39 | Savage | 2 y 8 d |
Do you have fandom | 2 | Jongensoden | 2 y 14 d |
Artifact Fusion | 3 | Jaqqsyn | 2 y 24 d |
MY ACCOUNT WAS HACKED | 2 | CassieCage | 2 y 26 d |
The X-Men vs The Avengers vs The Fantastic Four All Out War (Read the discription) | 27 | Savage | 2 y 28 d |
Random Knowledge | 19 | Soulcollecter57 | 2 y 1 mo 12 d |
Happy 100th Birthday, Stan Lee!!! | 12 | xerodeep | 2 y 1 mo 18 d |
Top 10 best debaters in the SHDB for 2021/2022 | 40 | mephisto | 2 y 2 mo 3 d |
What are the most Incredible... | 34 | mtrindadc | 2 y 2 mo 8 d |
does anyone remember heep? | 8 | ultron | 2 y 2 mo 10 d |
Devil's Advocate | 12 | Taurus | 2 y 2 mo 12 d |
Having four arms or six arms | 3 | AmalgamComics00 | 2 y 2 mo 15 d |
Favorite Artwork | 5 | MoNsTeR | 2 y 2 mo 21 d |
Batman vs | 23 | Jongensoden | 2 y 2 mo 26 d |
Top 10 Most Powerful mythological being | 3 | Doomsday | 2 y 3 mo 30 d |
Top 10's | 71 | Galactus | 2 y 4 mo 8 d |
Goodbye | 11 | SilverStream | 2 y 4 mo 20 d |
DC vs Marvel | 57 | boss4dawin1324 | 2 y 4 mo 20 d |
who has a fandom account | 4 | Jongensoden | 2 y 5 mo 3 h 32 m |
Does anyone use Twitter? | 10 | Jongensoden | 2 y 5 mo 17 h 41 m |
Best plot twists | 9 | voidstone | 2 y 5 mo 17 h 42 m |
Toon force is Busted. | 5 | Zerothemimikyu | 2 y 5 mo 10 d |
Top 5 Beautiful Female Superheroes | 17 | plaidcoolflyer | 2 y 5 mo 10 d |
Who has the best profile photo? | 10 | LadyGaladriel1212 | 2 y 5 mo 14 d |
What fictional company would you like to work for? | 2 | Tyrannus | 2 y 5 mo 28 d |
News | 119 | TH0R | 2 y 6 mo 5 d |
Power malfunctions | 4 | sonyablade | 2 y 6 mo 13 d |
Most Active Users | 79 | iamtheone1234 | 2 y 6 mo 16 d |
If you could choose any two Super-Powers to keep, and any two Superheroes indebted to you who and what would they be? | 13 | MarvelBoy107 | 2 y 6 mo 18 d |
Which weapons match with elemental powers | 17 | ThorMathews | 2 y 6 mo 23 d |
which anime character can beat Cosmic Fear Awakened Garou ? | 6 | Doomsday | 2 y 7 mo 6 d |
Which melee weapon matches each super power? | 37 | ThorMathews | 2 y 7 mo 9 d |
Should the downvote return? | 50 | Tyrannus | 2 y 7 mo 9 d |
Open debate challenge. | 109 | Jongensoden | 2 y 7 mo 24 d |
If the Planets in the solar system, if they were human what superpowers would they have? | 11 | Hurricano | 2 y 7 mo 27 d |
Character over power | 5 | masterking2 | 2 y 8 mo 3 h 52 m |
if you could be a starwars character and could create your own look and stuff, how would you it | 6 | Hurricano | 2 y 9 mo 3 h 6 m |
Super Family | 1 | Hurricano | 2 y 9 mo 21 h 29 m |
most popular new users | 5 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 2 y 9 mo 4 d |
Most Active User List | 5 | booyah | 2 y 9 mo 7 d |
Happy Star Wars Day Everyone! | 9 | vcowles77 | 2 y 9 mo 11 d |
What's your Favorite anime character | 21 | Michealdem17 | 2 y 9 mo 16 d |
Characters outside of Marvel and DC that can solo both universes | 6 | MarvelBoy107 | 2 y 9 mo 27 d |
Book Plot help | 10 | Jaqqsyn | 2 y 9 mo 28 d |
What characters do you think should appear in the MCU or DCEU and why? | 6 | datboi12ty | 2 y 10 mo 8 d |
Superhero Songs | 7 | rfloto1 | 2 y 10 mo 20 d |
What franchises need more love? | 24 | Jaqqsyn | 2 y 11 mo 12 d |
What is going on with Mjölnir? | 20 | ThorMathews | 2 y 11 mo 21 d |
Rank the most powerful monsters | 17 | ThorMathews | 3 y 2 d |
Most anticipated movies of 2022? | 15 | Jongensoden | 3 y 21 d |
Your Favourite Dynamic Duos and Arch Nemeses | 3 | sonyablade | 3 y 27 d |
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far | 17 | sonyablade | 3 y 1 mo 2 d |
Christmas 2021 | 18 | dcm | 3 y 1 mo 8 d |
Most powerful weapons/poweritems. | 27 | Galactus | 3 y 1 mo 24 d |
What animated character - sidekick duo is your favorite? | 1 | Jaqqsyn | 3 y 1 mo 29 d |
Is there a way to kill an omnipotent being? | 25 | TheImaginator | 3 y 2 mo 20 h 33 m |
What solo video game or video series do you think would make a good tv show or Anime or Cartoon | 26 | Hurricano | 3 y 2 mo 9 d |
what superpower can solve this problem | 30 | masterking2 | 3 y 2 mo 16 d |
What can happen with a crossover of MHA and Sailor moon? | 1 | Auristar | 3 y 2 mo 18 d |
What has the best lore? | 15 | wade | 3 y 3 mo 9 d |
Tier 10 (read description) | 70 | MrJaeger07 | 3 y 3 mo 12 d |
Funniest users | 34 | Jongensoden | 3 y 3 mo 19 d |
How was your day? | 34 | wade | 3 y 3 mo 26 d |
Who has a Better Rogues Gallery? | 126 | BlotskyA | 3 y 4 mo 19 d |
Top 10 best fights ever | 15 | Pedrof | 3 y 4 mo 22 d |
Which superhero or villain do you think should get their own show or movie? | 27 | datboi12ty | 3 y 4 mo 23 d |
Nen (HxH Universe) vs The Force | 2 | sonyablade | 3 y 4 mo 23 d |
Ocs Personality. | 5 | Dellmamy45 | 3 y 4 mo 25 d |
How Does One Become a Herald? | 10 | ForJustice1324 | 3 y 4 mo 25 d |
we the kings need your help | 3 | masterking2 | 3 y 4 mo 27 d |
dictatorking2 gone rogue | 4 | masterking2 | 3 y 4 mo 27 d |
What if 2 charachters switch ? | 47 | Jongensoden | 3 y 4 mo 29 d |
Your favourite Element Manipulators | 10 | sonyablade | 3 y 5 mo 19 h 34 m |
Who is favourite Jedi? | 28 | Pedrof | 3 y 5 mo 21 h 51 m |
Top 10 Marvel Events Of All Time | 8 | Savage | 3 y 5 mo 2 d |
How did you come up with the name? | 29 | RandomName123 | 3 y 5 mo 8 d |
1 out of 10 | 48 | Jakcj | 3 y 5 mo 9 d |
So I'm building a comic book...I need suggestions | 14 | Thunder_God | 3 y 5 mo 9 d |
Quit Race Swapping Characters | 20 | ThorMathews | 3 y 5 mo 10 d |
how do you think death battle would react to SHDb | 8 | masterking2 | 3 y 5 mo 12 d |
Pick a power but... | 121 | UnusOf2029 | 3 y 5 mo 15 d |
The Baddest Fictional Prisons and Containment Facilities | 7 | ViciousViper | 3 y 5 mo 18 d |
Superpowers, or a Combination of PERFECT Martial Arts and Intelligence; What is more fun to have? | 4 | sonyablade | 3 y 5 mo 21 d |
What If? | 11 | Thunder_God | 3 y 5 mo 22 d |
When will Spider-Man No Way Home trailer come out ? | 11 | TH0R | 3 y 5 mo 24 d |
What does the trending mean on the bottom of everyone's profiles? | 2 | Bbq444 | 3 y 5 mo 28 d |
I need help with character ideas | 17 | masterking2 | 3 y 6 mo 11 d |
Should Plot Armor be a superpower on here? | 4 | Tigerking2020 | 3 y 6 mo 16 d |
What the h e c k happened | 56 | Poe | 3 y 6 mo 20 d |
villianking2 is finding villains side kicks | 10 | masterking2 | 3 y 6 mo 23 d |
Ideas for Videos! | 59 | BlotskyA | 3 y 6 mo 24 d |
Which characters from any universe are worthy of Mjolnir? | 17 | Tigerking2020 | 3 y 7 mo 4 d |
Who is your favorite sith? | 17 | Enternity10 | 3 y 7 mo 25 d |
Favorite out of... | 467 | SuperSomebody | 3 y 7 mo 27 d |
What is more powerful wonder woman�??s Godwave or Thor�??s God Blast? | 5 | Chijb | 3 y 7 mo 29 d |
Who is the SL and JK of DC? | 8 | Caleb_Rivas | 3 y 7 mo 30 d |
if you were _____ | 11 | masterking2 | 3 y 8 mo 10 d |
Characters with Similar Rogues Gallery | 16 | BlotskyA | 3 y 8 mo 21 d |
Farewell, SHDb | 9 | DarkProdigy | 3 y 8 mo 22 d |
Does a domino mask actually work? | 12 | ThorMathews | 3 y 8 mo 26 d |
Who can defeat... | 112 | Jongensoden | 3 y 8 mo 29 d |
What music would different superheroes listen to? | 8 | ThorMathews | 3 y 9 mo 6 d |
Best Romantic Story Arcs? | 7 | ThorMathews | 3 y 9 mo 6 d |
The Scariest Character...? | 76 | datboi12ty | 3 y 9 mo 8 d |
Happy May the 4th everyone! | 17 | Tigerking2020 | 3 y 9 mo 9 d |
Best Superpowers... | 6 | datboi12ty | 3 y 9 mo 10 d |
I'm starting another YouTube Channel! - AkhilPDX | 114 | AkhilPDX | 3 y 9 mo 11 d |
Other universe equals/a-likes of... | 140 | Galactus | 3 y 9 mo 13 d |
Villains that Work in other Rogues Galleries! | 3 | BlotskyA | 3 y 9 mo 14 d |
Who Can Beat Squirrel Girl? | 17 | BlotskyA | 3 y 9 mo 20 d |
What if Captain America (Ultimate version) obtained One for All (MHA)? | 4 | Gemstrike | 3 y 9 mo 22 d |
What suit should Iron Man have in his main profile? (discussion) | 18 | Savage | 3 y 9 mo 22 d |
Can batman really beat everyone with prep time? | 13 | Savage | 3 y 9 mo 24 d |
Logic vs Feelings - In VS battles | 42 | Jarindeed | 3 y 9 mo 27 d |
Don't get your hopes up Hulk fans | 13 | Taurus | 3 y 9 mo 29 d |
SHDb Memberships | 14 | Galactus | 3 y 10 mo 8 h 46 m |
If you could be a superhero or super-villain, what would your name be and what could you do? | 15 | datboi12ty | 3 y 10 mo 1 d |
A Legend among us has passed away in Hip Hop History | 13 | RAHIMINDAHOODS | 3 y 10 mo 3 d |
Most Powerful Superhero Parents | 5 | ThorMathews | 3 y 10 mo 3 d |
Dark Theories | 1 | SuperSomebody | 3 y 10 mo 3 d |
If you have elemental powers ( fire , water , lightning , ice , air/wind , earth ) , who would you fight? (characters in description) | 2 | RandomName123 | 3 y 10 mo 4 d |
Are there Artists on the site who are willing to sketch OCs for other members? | 13 | Ithrian | 3 y 10 mo 6 d |
Which universe would you want to live in? | 13 | datboi12ty | 3 y 10 mo 6 d |
Top 5 Favorite Comics From Marvel vs Top 5 Favorite Comics From Other Companies | 16 | Savage | 3 y 10 mo 11 d |
Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Sorcerers | 7 | Savage | 3 y 10 mo 12 d |
What characters do you think should have been the the MCU or DCEU that would have changed the whole storyline? | 11 | datboi12ty | 3 y 10 mo 13 d |
Death Battle S8 - TDB: SHDb Community Chat | 17 | AkhilPDX | 3 y 10 mo 13 d |
What's your favourite Death battle animation? | 8 | DivineBeast | 3 y 10 mo 14 d |
Comic Suggestions (Marvel) | 41 | Savage | 3 y 10 mo 15 d |
Quantum Physics Manipulation is OP | 1 | Enternity10 | 3 y 10 mo 17 d |
What are your thoughts on upcoming MCU and DCEU movies? | 45 | datboi12ty | 3 y 10 mo 17 d |
Best hero/villain mask | 12 | Ezio | 3 y 10 mo 18 d |
Can we talk about "classic" character profiles | 9 | Savage | 3 y 10 mo 19 d |
Superherodbverse | 6 | Enternity10 | 3 y 10 mo 19 d |
If you could be any Superhero/Villain, who would you be? | 20 | datboi12ty | 3 y 10 mo 22 d |
Bad@$$ moments in fiction | 19 | Pedrof | 3 y 10 mo 24 d |
battle me if u think u have more superhero knowledge | 45 | boss4dawin1324 | 3 y 10 mo 25 d |
Battle of the Anime's | 4 | datboi12ty | 3 y 10 mo 26 d |
If Hulk was given Sentry's powers... | 8 | Gemstrike | 3 y 10 mo 29 d |
Amazing Facts about DC & Marvel | 6 | BlotskyA | 3 y 11 mo 5 d |
Do you guys believe we might have Powers? | 5 | BlotskyA | 3 y 11 mo 8 d |
How Much Your Internet Speed ? | 14 | Breaker | 3 y 11 mo 25 d |
what are the first 10 characters each from marvel and dc ever made | 8 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 3 y 11 mo 26 d |
Top 5 Users You Most Respect | 16 | Savage | 4 y 3 d |
Top 5 characters/teams you've read the most comics about | 7 | Savage | 4 y 4 d |
Top 10 Richest Characters | 8 | Savage | 4 y 4 d |
Your Top 10 Heroes | 30 | ThorMathews | 4 y 5 d |
What OC do you like that isnt your own? | 2 | Hurricano | 4 y 5 d |
If you can have a lightsaber, what would it be like? | 5 | Pedrof | 4 y 5 d |
Favorite Universe | 22 | RedEyeJoe | 4 y 8 d |
Rank The Marvel Metals | 21 | ThorMathews | 4 y 17 d |
Favorite New Users (Last 5 months) | 3 | Savage | 4 y 17 d |
Rank The Most Powerful Races in Comics | 6 | ThorMathews | 4 y 17 d |
Who here believes that aliens have visited Earth in the recent past? | 5 | MakeMineMarvel | 4 y 24 d |
Top 5 Nicest Users | 69 | AkhilPDX | 4 y 25 d |
Youngest Person on the website | 22 | booyah | 4 y 26 d |
Can wolverine cut through superman body with his claw? | 27 | Mxyzptlk | 4 y 29 d |
You have the powers of every superhero who's name starts with the same letter as your first name does. | 31 | HeroicSacrifice123 | 4 y 29 d |
Superhero Dream Team | 7 | ThorMathews | 4 y 29 d |
Who has the Best Rogues Gallery? | 17 | BlotskyA | 4 y 29 d |
What is your favorite power combination | 6 | Hurricano | 4 y 1 mo 2 d |
One thing you should know about me | 26 | AkhilPDX | 4 y 1 mo 10 d |
What would you name your superhero team | 23 | thimptho | 4 y 1 mo 10 d |
The Most Underrated Rogues Gallery? | 11 | BlotskyA | 4 y 1 mo 11 d |
Who is the best with prep time? (Marvel and DC | 5 | Savage | 4 y 1 mo 12 d |
Popular Comic Story-lines that are Overrated | 13 | Savage | 4 y 1 mo 13 d |
Imagine this | 24 | BlotskyA | 4 y 1 mo 19 d |
The ton class system debunked | 22 | ThorMathews | 4 y 1 mo 23 d |
Asgard vs Wakanda vs Themyscira vs Atlantis vs Attilan | 7 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 1 mo 28 d |
Which Character is most absolutely staned by a particular person on the site? | 15 | Savage | 4 y 1 mo 29 d |
Your Favourite Character vs Your Profile Picture | 17 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 2 mo 15 d |
Very first superhero you ever saw | 22 | Jongensoden | 4 y 2 mo 15 d |
Help out a small youtuber! | 2 | Savage | 4 y 2 mo 20 d |
I Well have A Break | 7 | Breaker | 4 y 2 mo 20 d |
I Have to leave the site | 10 | BlotskyA | 4 y 2 mo 20 d |
Who makes the most interesting battles on the site | 4 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 2 mo 21 d |
What is every Main user the God of? | 20 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 2 mo 23 d |
i will start a yt channel | 2 | Jongensoden | 4 y 2 mo 24 d |
what is up with galactus he has not been on for nearly a month | 17 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 2 mo 24 d |
Who can defeat Spongebob Squarepants? | 15 | TheImaginator | 4 y 2 mo 24 d |
If you were given three wishes | 39 | Wic23 | 4 y 2 mo 24 d |
Favourite Superhero show | 15 | Jongensoden | 4 y 2 mo 29 d |
I believe Barry Allen is the most powerful superhero | 38 | TheImaginator | 4 y 2 mo 30 d |
Would you prefer Pure Chi or Dark Chi? Why? | 2 | XFightingSpiritX | 4 y 3 mo 13 d |
Did anyone see Animationrewind or Rewind Rumble? | 5 | G6M | 4 y 3 mo 14 d |
Strongest Powers | 11 | iamtheone1234 | 4 y 3 mo 15 d |
Iron Man armor or Green Lantern Ring? | 10 | Galactus | 4 y 3 mo 15 d |
Best elemental power? | 16 | ThorMathews | 4 y 3 mo 15 d |
Choose one fictional item to use. | 46 | Mr_Incognito | 4 y 3 mo 16 d |
Speedsters vs Symbiotes | 6 | MrJaeger07 | 4 y 3 mo 24 d |
Flash Family vs Superman Family vs Shazam Family. | 2 | TheImaginator | 4 y 4 mo 6 d |
Dick Grayson vs Jason Todd vs Tim Drake vs Damien Wayne. | 6 | TheImaginator | 4 y 4 mo 6 d |
Favourite Superhero costumes. | 4 | TheImaginator | 4 y 4 mo 6 d |
Top 5 favorite non-DC and Marvel characters. | 23 | IMABATMAN42 | 4 y 4 mo 6 d |
how long were u on the website before u actually made an account | 18 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 4 mo 6 d |
Justice League and Avengers free for all fight | 22 | TheImaginator | 4 y 4 mo 7 d |
How Fast can Flash finish his Food Challenge? | 3 | BlotskyA | 4 y 5 mo 12 d |
Create your team! | 18 | Galactus | 4 y 5 mo 14 d |
If you could create your own Lantern Corps... | 12 | TheImaginator | 4 y 5 mo 21 d |
Barry Allen is faster than Wally West | 4 | TheImaginator | 4 y 6 mo 2 d |
What type of prize would you like to win? | 26 | Galactus | 4 y 6 mo 3 d |
What's your favorite evil organizations? | 2 | Michealdem17 | 4 y 6 mo 5 d |
Daughters of Marvel Superheroes | 1 | imdoneone | 4 y 6 mo 5 d |
Most powerful weapon | 9 | Galactus | 4 y 6 mo 13 d |
Letter Themed Tournament | 66 | Dusk_Pikachu | 4 y 6 mo 18 d |
Visit my forum | 10 | MrJaeger07 | 4 y 6 mo 21 d |
Superhero you are most similar to | 19 | Jongensoden | 4 y 6 mo 22 d |
Superhero/villain Couple Tournament | 79 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 6 mo 22 d |
Random anime power tournament | 3 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 6 mo 22 d |
Best moderator | 9 | Jongensoden | 4 y 6 mo 23 d |
Ways to make this Website Better! | 56 | BlotskyA | 4 y 6 mo 27 d |
The History of Vampires | 3 | ThomasMHxDeaf | 4 y 6 mo 30 d |
Which Group is the Most Dangerous? | 22 | BlotskyA | 4 y 7 mo 2 d |
Who has the most powerful force fields in comics? | 5 | TheImaginator | 4 y 7 mo 7 d |
Rank The Gamma Family Members | 6 | ThorMathews | 4 y 7 mo 8 d |
Who watches Death Battle | 4 | ManofPower | 4 y 7 mo 8 d |
goodbye my friends | 1 | Jongensoden | 4 y 7 mo 11 d |
I'm Making A SITE! | 5 | BlotskyA | 4 y 7 mo 12 d |
What Superhero would you be? | 7 | BlotskyA | 4 y 7 mo 14 d |
Which is your Favorite anime Movie ? | 3 | Michealdem17 | 4 y 7 mo 16 d |
Which villain has more justifiable reasons to be one? | 9 | MrJaeger07 | 4 y 7 mo 21 d |
Top 10 Physically Strongest Villians? | 4 | ThorMathews | 4 y 7 mo 23 d |
Best Superhero Rivalrys | 3 | ThorMathews | 4 y 7 mo 25 d |
top 10 oldest users (account age) | 13 | boss4dawin1324 | 4 y 7 mo 26 d |
Top 10 characters with the greatest accuracy | 1 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 8 mo 4 d |
Darkseid comes to earth with this army in our universe which characters do u pick to stop him | 13 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 8 mo 8 d |
top 10 strongest anime protagonists | 7 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 8 mo 9 d |
Who do you think is the fastest being to ever exist? | 6 | TheImaginator | 4 y 8 mo 11 d |
10 top ten best debaters on SHDB. | 8 | Aries | 4 y 8 mo 14 d |
Who's your favourite OC's that aren't yours | 7 | TheImaginator | 4 y 8 mo 16 d |
Who do you think is the most powerful Superhero? | 3 | TheImaginator | 4 y 8 mo 18 d |
Superhero and/or supervillain of the day. | 1 | TheImaginator | 4 y 8 mo 18 d |
Superhero/Supervillain tournament! | 28 | TheImaginator | 4 y 8 mo 20 d |
who is the most powerful celestial | 1 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 8 mo 20 d |
How can I earn the right to do ustats? | 2 | ForJustice1324 | 4 y 8 mo 21 d |
its my birhtday today | 1 | Jongensoden | 4 y 8 mo 23 d |
Superpower discount bin | 20 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 8 mo 27 d |
which enhanced humans have the best striking power | 5 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 8 mo 30 d |
most powerful non-cosmic beings in marvel and dc | 3 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 9 mo 3 d |
Vote for these battles (i need them for a thing) (updated) | 8 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 9 mo 6 d |
who can kill the whole of mcu hand to hand combat | 7 | Nz13 | 4 y 9 mo 7 d |
Who Missed Me? | 15 | ManofPower | 4 y 9 mo 10 d |
Top 10 Speedsters | 1 | remy94 | 4 y 9 mo 12 d |
Marvel vs Dc (Oc) | 1 | Dellmamy45 | 4 y 9 mo 12 d |
what are some of deadmans feats | 2 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 9 mo 15 d |
Can magneto move uru, adamantium and vibranium | 3 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 9 mo 21 d |
Youtuber Battles! | 2 | BlotskyA | 4 y 9 mo 22 d |
Top 10 users with the most battles created | 3 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 9 mo 23 d |
JOIN DISCORD! | 32 | AkhilPDX | 4 y 9 mo 29 d |
Would you | 7 | Jongensoden | 4 y 10 mo 6 d |
Could deathstrokes energised promethium sword scratch or break Captain America's shield | 11 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 10 mo 7 d |
What YouTube do you watch about comics? | 32 | TheOne2001 | 4 y 10 mo 9 d |
What are your favorite teams | 1 | Jongensoden | 4 y 10 mo 11 d |
ask me a question about marvel for dc i want to be tested | 13 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 10 mo 15 d |
Rank these kryptonians | 6 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 10 mo 19 d |
Who is the most Interesting youtuber, you have ever watched? | 5 | BlotskyA | 4 y 10 mo 19 d |
Art Work | 14 | BlotskyA | 4 y 10 mo 19 d |
if 10 Tsar Bombs were dropped on superman would it harm him at all | 5 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 10 mo 21 d |
Are Kryptonians Vulernable to Poison? | 10 | BlotskyA | 4 y 10 mo 22 d |
Rising stars on the website | 12 | booyah | 4 y 10 mo 27 d |
Statistics meaning | 5 | kronotic | 4 y 10 mo 29 d |
Sugar Ray Robinson, tim kennedy, Jerry Miculek, bruce lee, Charles Alvin Beckwith vs batman and nightwing | 1 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 20 h 32 m |
Can Doctor Doom steal Lucifer Morningstar's Powers with Prep Time? | 1 | BlotskyA | 4 y 11 mo 2 d |
Vibrainium vs Adamantium (which is stronger) | 19 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 8 d |
What are your goals for Shdb | 7 | BlotskyA | 4 y 11 mo 12 d |
Is Galactus alright he hasn't logged in for 7 days | 8 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 13 d |
top 5 strongest superhero/villain teams | 10 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 14 d |
battles that got heaps of votes in the shortest amount of time | 1 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 16 d |
every pre-crisis character on the database ranked | 8 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 23 d |
Galactus could u add a way that users could see the new characters that have been added | 2 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 27 d |
top guest battles | 1 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 4 y 11 mo 30 d |
Most unbiase user | 66 | Mxyzptlk | 5 y 20 h 58 m |
if deadpool was cut up into tiny little pieces which part would grow back into a full deadpool | 3 | InvertedQuantumSpectrum | 5 y 3 d |
I did make A new logo for superherodb | 3 | Breaker | 5 y 4 d |
Villager News (Superhero Database News) | 3 | iamtheone1234 | 5 y 6 d |
Dear Galactus | 1 | TheNemianLion | 5 y 14 d |
Is Marvel and dc cross-over canon for dc? | 3 | Jongensoden | 5 y 18 d |
Favorite comics | 4 | Jongensoden | 5 y 21 d |
Vote for my new profile pic | 1 | DarkProdigy | 5 y 30 d |
why cant i see or show the variations that i have made | 3 | boss4dawin1324 | 5 y 1 mo 6 d |
Who is the strongest superhero team | 25 | Jongensoden | 5 y 1 mo 12 d |
My debunk gaunlet | 2 | Jongensoden | 5 y 1 mo 18 d |
Can Superman break captain America shield?? | 154 | Mxyzptlk | 5 y 1 mo 20 d |
Can Punisher Kick out of Randy Orton's Punt Kick? | 4 | BlotskyA | 5 y 2 mo 13 d |
Hey | 25 | Jongensoden | 5 y 2 mo 15 d |
Comic Book Movies You want to see but Never got made | 11 | BlotskyA | 5 y 2 mo 21 d |
Tell me Marvel and DC hybrids! | 5 | BlotskyA | 5 y 2 mo 21 d |
"Thank you forum" for Galactus | 8 | Bane333 | 5 y 2 mo 23 d |
Bane333 personal forum | 1 | Bane333 | 5 y 2 mo 23 d |
Golden age SHDB | 22 | Bane333 | 5 y 3 mo 2 d |
Ustat | 1 | Eydaxor | 5 y 5 mo 2 d |
Good morning everyone, hope you all had great summers. | 3 | cw6334 | 5 y 5 mo 11 d |
roblox | 9 | Jongensoden | 5 y 5 mo 16 d |
Do white lantern rings need to be charged | 5 | Z_man_the_overpowered | 5 y 5 mo 20 d |
Who is right in "Civil War 2" ? | 5 | blackmaster2003 | 5 y 6 mo 19 d |
Revengers | 2 | CaptainAmericaTakesAll | 5 y 6 mo 26 d |
Guess. The user | 5 | Jongensoden | 5 y 6 mo 30 d |
The symbols before our usernames | 2 | Clint_Barton | 5 y 7 mo 7 d |
How long are you on this site a day | 6 | Soulcollecter57 | 5 y 7 mo 22 d |
What are your interests in life. | 1 | IamMoonKnight | 5 y 7 mo 24 d |
Who would you date in the Marvel or DC Universe | 1 | Dellmamy45 | 5 y 7 mo 24 d |
What do you love about this website. | 15 | Galactus | 5 y 7 mo 24 d |
I Can't find (beta) in my profile | 1 | Breaker | 5 y 7 mo 26 d |
How do you guys pronounce "Database"? | 5 | DarkProdigy | 5 y 10 mo 6 d |
Guess game | 56 | Jongensoden | 5 y 10 mo 15 d |
Smartest of Superhero Database | 114 | SirSpidey | 5 y 10 mo 22 d |
Soul Tutor 5734 | 5 | soulcollecter34 | 5 y 10 mo 25 d |
Alone At The Top | 51 | ElectroSpino | 5 y 11 mo 1 d |
does anyone play goat simulator | 2 | Jongensoden | 5 y 11 mo 9 d |
What ever happened to heep | 3 | Bane333 | 5 y 11 mo 13 d |
Conversational Essays/Rants | 2 | soulcollecter34 | 5 y 11 mo 13 d |
Parent-Teacher Conferences! | 14 | AkhilPDX | 5 y 11 mo 19 d |
Can you write? | 10 | ManofPower | 5 y 11 mo 25 d |
are you a boy or girl | 8 | Jongensoden | 6 y 21 d |
Anyone else getting the discord issue? | 2 | EmptyHand | 6 y 1 mo 4 d |
SHDB Discord Server v2.0 | 1 | DarkProdigy | 6 y 1 mo 6 d |