
Who is the SL and JK of DC?

Created by Caleb_Rivas, 3 y 8 mo 3 d ago.

Whos the stan lee and jack kirby of the DC universe?


Mr_Incognito 3 y 8 mo 1 d
Who is the SL and JK of DC?
64 months member
The main DC characters were made by many different people, not one main person like the case with Stan Lee and Marvel. I would say overall either Geoff Johns or Grant Morrison are the closest to them.
IAMlegend87069 3 y 8 mo 3 d
Who is the SL and JK of DC?
45 months member
well i consider grant morrison as the stan lee of dc comics because he give so much contributions to the dc cosmology and meta based story telling characters and story ... (the map of 52 dc multiverse is one of the greatest invention that made by grant morrison as well)
and as jack kirby i would say 2 people that are neil gaiman and alan moore
Last edited: 3 y 8 mo 3 d ago.
MaseTheFace 3 y 8 mo 3 d
Who is the SL and JK of DC?
45 months member
Jerry Siegel, Marv Wolfman, George Perez, Scott Snyder...