What are your goals for Shdb
Created by BlotskyA, 4 y 9 mo 10 d ago.
What are your goals for this website
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TheNemianLion 4 y 9 mo 9 d
What are your goals for Shdb #
My goal for this website is to have it be an intellectual haven of excellence as what it was made for, a Superhero Database, I wish for it to grow and expand.
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TheNemianLion 4 y 9 mo 9 d
What are your goals for Shdb #
I've grown past personal goals as I've already accomplished EVERYTHING I set out to achieve personally on this website.
RedEyeJoe 4 y 9 mo 10 d
What are your goals for Shdb #
To one day be a half decent debater.