Rating Death Scenes
Created by GivejusticetoKnull, 1 y 2 mo 21 d ago.
May sound a bit odd but yeah, death scenes should be as good or even better than how a character is introduced. Rate your best deaths in these categories
1.)Most beautiful death(i.e, of a protagonist character that died happily)
2.)Most satisfying death(antagonist, ofcourse)
3.)Most unexpected/undeserved death
2. Frieza in DBZ when Trunks killed him
3. Unexpected i would say Batman and Supergirl in Flash because i genuinely didn't expect them to die, most undeserved would have to be Ben Solo's, i hope he comes back in upcoming Rey spinoff
2. Once Upon a Time in the West - Frank (Henry Fonda) - He finally, after years, gets what he deserves.
3. ? (let me think about that)