
Fictional air military technologies that may be useful and possible to create today.

Created by mtrindadc, 1 y 7 mo 10 d ago.

Fictional air military technologies that may be useful and possible to create today.

The military race between the United States and Russia is reaching new levels, especially with the resent aggression of the European country in Ukraine, for this reason the military of the United States of America cannot afford not to overtake Russia in military space, One advantage that the United States has in the race [and Russia wants to have...] is Ellon Musk, the industrial billionaire has been presenting innovations that the American military can incorporate into their military resources, one of these resources is the terrible most secret jet hypersonic fighter that the united states is developing under the mahyem project and would be useful against russia.

In view of all these aspects, in this topic I would like you to suggest at least one aerial technology, an airplane for example, that is from the world of fiction, and that could be useful if brought to the real world, and of course it could be built in reality without too many complications [that is nothing impossible to build] and then aiding the aerial military evolution of human civilization.

OBSERVATION: If you have an idea pls comment...
1° However the comment must have at least one image of the military technology focused on aviation of the ficction;
2° Explain why you think it would be useful, and why and how it could be built and if it cannot be built, explain what why also;
3° And finally explain how such air military equipment or aircraft works.


peetteerr2211 1 y 4 mo 2 d
Fictional air military technologies that may be useful and possible to create today.
16 months member
The VTOL jet from Avatar: The VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) jets from Avatar have advanced flight capabilities and can perform a wide range of maneuvers. The technology used in these aircraft, such as its vertical takeoff and landing capabilities and advanced flight controls, could potentially be useful for military applications.
peetteerr2211 1 y 4 mo 2 d
Fictional air military technologies that may be useful and possible to create today.
16 months member
The X-wing fighter from Star Wars: The X-wing fighter's advanced targeting and navigation systems, as well as its ability to travel in space and atmosphere, make it a formidable weapon. Some of the technology used in the X-wing, such as its advanced targeting system and propulsion technology, could potentially be adapted for real-world military aircraft.
peetteerr2211 1 y 4 mo 2 d
Fictional air military technologies that may be useful and possible to create today.
16 months member
Iron Man's suit: Iron Man's powered suit has advanced flight capabilities, including vertical takeoff and landing, and high maneuverability. A real-world version of the suit could potentially be used for search and rescue missions or military operations where quick movement and flexibility are necessary.