
battle me if u think u have more superhero knowledge

Created by boss4dawin1324, 5 y 1 mo 29 d ago.

battle me if u think u have more superhero knowledge and i will give u tests on your knowledge


Dormammu10 3 y 10 mo 21 d
battle me if u think u have more superhero knowledge
49 months member
Ok pop quiz... what is the most powerful character batman can beat at his max power, with prep time. This means you can do any version of batman. The Final Batsuit, Batgod, Hellbat, anything.
Pedrof 3 y 10 mo 22 d
battle me if u think u have more superhero knowledge
60 months member
Darth Sidious vs Loki
superlachlan 3 y 10 mo 22 d
battle me if u think u have more superhero knowledge
47 months member
Have you tried battles on Alexa? sounds like a cool idea... I say “Alexa, open Super Hero Battle” to launch it.