If Hulk was given Sentry's powers...
Created by Gemstrike, 3 y 7 mo 24 d ago.
How powerful would he become? Since Hulk's skin can't be penetrated normally, it'll have to be either an adamantium syringe, or Bruce Banner who gets injected by the Golden Sentry Serum.
Would he be able to defeat DBS Broly then? Because in Death Battle, Broly wins.
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Userfriendly 3 y 7 mo 19 d
If Hulk was given Sentry's powers... #
I agree, I like them but they twist a lot of things up, and don't get things completely right with the characters. Some things they don't add that would seriously change the outcomes of the fight.
Alien_X 3 y 7 mo 23 d
If Hulk was given Sentry's powers... #
Yes. Honestly, as Immortal Hulk, I think Broly shouldn't have won anyways. Death Battle sucks.
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Savage 3 y 7 mo 22 d
If Hulk was given Sentry's powers... #
I like the actual death battle fights, but they have a severe lack of logic