No Kill Rule?
Created by ThorMathews, 4 y 7 mo 21 d ago.
To kill or not to kill? Do you believe heroes should kill? Which no kill rules are most justified?
Created by ThorMathews, 4 y 7 mo 21 d ago.
To kill or not to kill? Do you believe heroes should kill? Which no kill rules are most justified?
2-Superman:As a near-omnipotent being, Superman's restraint is a critical aspect of his character. His no-kill rule is rooted in his upbringing and the belief that all life is precious. He seeks to be a symbol of hope and a paragon of virtue
3-Spider-Man:Reasoning: Spider-Man's famous motto, "With great power comes great responsibility," guides his actions. The guilt over Uncle Ben's death drives him to avoid killing, as he understands the weight of responsibility his powers carry.