
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far

Created by sonyablade, 2 y 10 mo 11 d ago.

Pretty much what the title says. The most iconic superhero, supervillain, and antihero so far. If you’re spoilt for choice choose up to 3 of each and rank them in order. Give your own personal opinions btw.


Tyrannus 2 y 9 mo 21 d
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far
67 months member
Despite the MCU absolutely dwarfing DC, Superman will always be the most iconic hero in the past, present and future.
Jongensoden 2 y 9 mo 27 d
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far
86 months member
Superman. Tbh
Singham 2 y 9 mo 27 d
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far
33 months member
Thanos is most Iconic after infinity war