Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far
Created by sonyablade, 2 y 10 mo 11 d ago.
Pretty much what the title says. The most iconic superhero, supervillain, and antihero so far. If you’re spoilt for choice choose up to 3 of each and rank them in order. Give your own personal opinions btw.
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Tyrannus 2 y 9 mo 21 d
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far #
Despite the MCU absolutely dwarfing DC, Superman will always be the most iconic hero in the past, present and future.
Jongensoden 2 y 9 mo 27 d
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far #
Superman. Tbh
Singham 2 y 9 mo 27 d
Who is the most iconic superhero, villain, and antihero in the 21st century so far #
Thanos is most Iconic after infinity war