
Is there a way to kill an omnipotent being?

Created by TheImaginator, 4 y 1 mo 25 d ago.

I know it sounds crazy but just wondering if anyone had any ideas


Mandos9452 2 y 7 mo 10 d
Is there a way to kill an omnipotent being?
37 months member
Omnipotent beings never change. Therefore they cannot no matter what might come.
Trigon 2 y 7 mo 10 d
Is there a way to kill an omnipotent being?
38 months member
The very notion of omnipotence is seen as a logical and objective point of view, too paradoxical and contradictory to maintain (even in the fiction, many inconsistencies persist without a problem).

A being like the divine source would kill the Omnipotent Being, but how?

Well, let's say that the famous example of genius is one of the best: if you ask a supposed and literally omnipotent (hence omnipotent) genius to create a stone that he himself cannot lift, will he really be omnipotent? This also applies to the ultimate inability of an omnipotent being to die when he knows that the divine source will be. The last one who can do anything and therefore dies. 👀
Alien_X 4 y 1 mo 21 d
Is there a way to kill an omnipotent being?
51 months member
The best answer for this is if the omnipotent being tries to commit suicide, which would end in a paradox, because an omnipotent being can survive anything but also do anything. This forum is way too confusing.