
If you could be a superhero or super-villain, what would your name be and what could you do?

Created by datboi12ty, 3 y 10 mo 5 d ago.

What would your name be if you were a hero or villain and what are your powers?


datboi12ty 3 y 10 mo 3 d
If you could be a superhero or super-villain, what would your name be and what could you do?
47 months member
My other hero name would be Sentiel
Powers: Flight, Spaceflight, Cosmic Awarness, Dimesional Awarness, energy blast, omnimimicry, elemental control( can have pyrokineis, hydrokinesis, electrokinesis, and terrakinesis), master tactian, master martial artist, reality warping resistance, teleportation, godly physiology.
Tyrannus 3 y 10 mo 3 d
If you could be a superhero or super-villain, what would your name be and what could you do?
70 months member
I would like a green power ring and serve the Green Lantern Corp.
My name will obviously be Green Lantern.
Enternity10 3 y 10 mo 4 d
If you could be a superhero or super-villain, what would your name be and what could you do?
51 months member
Cosmic Guardian
Powers: Spaceflight, Flight, Cosmic energy manipulation, matter manipulation, energy blasts, super strength, molecular manipulation, teleportation, telepathy, super speed (90,000 mph), telekinesis, electrokinesis, existence erasure resistance, durability, master martial artist, power mimicry. I'm a superhero that keeps the lower their cosmic entities safe. My Arch-Nemesis is Magus. Base: Wherever the low tier cosmic entities lurk.
Last edited: 3 y 10 mo 4 d ago.