If you could be a superhero or super-villain, what would your name be and what could you do?
Created by datboi12ty, 3 y 10 mo 5 d ago.
What would your name be if you were a hero or villain and what are your powers?
Created by datboi12ty, 3 y 10 mo 5 d ago.
What would your name be if you were a hero or villain and what are your powers?
Powers: Flight, Spaceflight, Cosmic Awarness, Dimesional Awarness, energy blast, omnimimicry, elemental control( can have pyrokineis, hydrokinesis, electrokinesis, and terrakinesis), master tactian, master martial artist, reality warping resistance, teleportation, godly physiology.
My name will obviously be Green Lantern.
Powers: Spaceflight, Flight, Cosmic energy manipulation, matter manipulation, energy blasts, super strength, molecular manipulation, teleportation, telepathy, super speed (90,000 mph), telekinesis, electrokinesis, existence erasure resistance, durability, master martial artist, power mimicry. I'm a superhero that keeps the lower their cosmic entities safe. My Arch-Nemesis is Magus. Base: Wherever the low tier cosmic entities lurk.