
ThorvsAll Might (MHA)

Created by SirSpidey

41 / 89.1%
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 0
Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 0


Alavanka 2 y 1 mo 17 d
Thor - vs - All Might (MHA)
25 months member
Neutral Alright, I love Thor, but there is some massive wank going on for him right now.

All Might was literally able to destroy a city block with a airwaves of his punch, whilst wearing weights to hold him back.

He was able to deal dozens of blows to Noumu during there battle in mere seconds, meaning he has some pretty insane close-combat speed.

Thor's biggest advantage comes from the fact he has ranged abilities in his control of lighting, and the power of flight.

Overall, I'd give it 7/10 for All Might. He's no slouch in speed, and if Thor got close enough to All Might for even a second, Thor is toast. Thor's best bet is either frying All Might with some insane lightening, getting a lucky hit with Stormbreaker in All Might's vitals similar to what he did with Thanos, or waiting things out and letting All Might turn to Small Might. LOL
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MaseTheFace 2 y 1 mo 17 d
Thor - vs - All Might (MHA)
36 months member
Thor I'm not a Thor stan or anything...but All Might gets dragged. Badly. *BTW this is comic Thor

You say he destroyed a city block wth the airwaves from his punches? Well, Thor cracked a large moon or PLANET with the shockwaves of his strikes.

During a fight with Ulik, he was fighting so fast that Ulik couldn't even see his strikes.

Thor has every every one of them.

Overall, I give it a 9/10 for Thor. He has fought up close with people who people who are stronger than All Might sooooooo. You say a "Lucky hit with Stormbreaker"
1. It won't need to be lucky, Thor could blitz.
2. He is using mjolnir.
He won't need to wait for him to get scrawny, he could easily end the fight before that.
Last edited: 2 y 1 mo 17 d ago.
Alavanka 2 y 1 mo 15 d
Thor - vs - All Might (MHA)
25 months member
Neutral Thor's H2H feats doesn't stack up much to the likes of All Might, if weaponless. Don't get me wrong: Hammerless Thor is still a dangerous threat, but All Might's weapon is literally his fists. Even when Thor hammered Phoenix Force in the comics, or tangled up with Hulk multiple times, he used the hammer in specific occasions. Even if weaponless, he'll bruise All Might, but in close-quarters eventually he'll be overwhelmed, All Might can even grab him by his cape and throw him around. So, All Might before his retirement he was still able to cause massive gusts of wind and he even created a huge tornado that dwarfed nearby buildings with his United States of Smash when he defeated All for One. Not to mention, since All for One was his rival for most of his prime, All for One had a personal bodyguard named Gigantomachia. Gigantomachia alone is described as a walking disaster. I ask myself if Comics Thor would defeat Manga Gigantomachia. He's so powerful that he effortlessly toyed around with the League of Villains for dozens of rounds. Considering that Gigantomachia who can literally change the landscape with his hits is under All for One, we can only assume that All Might could have also been just as devastating or more than Gigantomachia. All might has too much speed and attack speed. Imagine thor tanking a hit from a pissed off hulk, now imagine he tanking 1000 hits from pissed off hulk in a couple of seconds. That is what he is gonna get here!

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