

Star Ratings set by Ahasan

Ahasan has rated 124 profiles and pages. With an average of 9.42 stars.

Rating Profile / Page
KangAnthony StarkEarth-TRN1072
Destroyer (Possessed by Thor)Thor OdinsonEarth-616
Dr Manhattan (Watchmen) - vs - Cosmic Korvac
Abomination - vs - Namor
Surtur - vs - Lucifer
Deathstroke - vs - Captain America (Hydra Armour) (Earth-61311)
Brainiac - vs - High Evolutionary
Darkseid - vs - Void
Hulk - vs - Doomsday
HulkBruce BannerEarth-616
Batman - vs - Iron Man
Thor (Herald of Thunder)Thor OdinsonEarth-616
Marvel Comics
ThorThor OdinsonEarth-616
Breaker of Worlds - vs - Spider-man (Cosmic Comic)
Wonder Woman - vs - Captain Planet
Unicron (True Form) - vs - Iron Man (God-Buster Armor Model 63)
Onslaught - vs - Monarch
Old King Thor (Earth-14412) - vs - Superman (Sword of Superman)
Thor - vs - Alien X (Reboot) (Ben 10)
Teen Gohan (Super Saiyan 2)Son GohanDB
Roxxon ThorThor OdinsonEarth-616
Overvoid - vs - The Divine Creator
Gohan (Potential Unleashed) (DB) - vs - Ultimate Piccolo (DB)
Multi-Eternity (8th Cosmos) - vs - Team Gilgamesh (Nasuverse)
Beyonder - vs - Team Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Arcueid Brunestud (Nasuverse) - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Wonder Woman - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Gilgamesh (Nasuverse) - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Galactus - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Saber(Fate/Stay Night) (Nasuverse) - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Galactus (Well Fed) - vs - Iron God
Heimdall - vs - Executioner
Ghost Rider (Zarathos' Power) - vs - Batman (Final Batsuit)
Miss Martian - vs - Jocasta
Parallax - vs - Mangog
Vision - vs - Balder
Grail (New 52) - vs - Hela
War Machine - vs - Hawkman