Sleeper (Klyntar Symbiote)

Sleeper (Klyntar Symbiote)


Prime Marvel Universe

Sleeper's powers and abilities

Symbiote Biology: Sleeper can amplify the physical characteristics of its host when bonded to it, it can also grant it the ability to produce chemicals although this is limited to Sleeper alone. Even without a host it can manifest a human form or any other.

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Stamina

Regenerative Healing Factor

Genetic Memory


Constituent-Matter Generation

Constituent-Matter Manipulation

Webbing Generation

Camouflage Capabilities: Like many klyntar, the Sleeper symbiote can shift its physiological semblance into a host of different shapes and forms (i.e. mimicking forms of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, emulating other people's visages, etc.). What makes this particular Klyntar unique is its ability to manipulate ambient light in order to become invisible. This in conjunction with using its hormone abilities enables it to confuse the sensory systems of others, thereby making it the perfect stalker.

Augmented Visual Senses: The Sleeper symbiote was capable of seeing M'lanz's ship, despite it being cloaked and invisible to both the naked eye and human technology.

Chemokinesis: As a result of its unique biology, the Sleeper symbiote is capable of producing liquid and aerosol chemicals with a variety of effects - including inducing various emotional states, tranquilizing targets, psychological manipulation, and secreting corrosive chemicals for offensive purposes. This also affords it a form of telepathy, using pheromones to interject its thoughts into others' minds. This also grants it a superior cloaking ability to other symbiotes, generating pheromones to almost-completely mask its presence. It is also capable of using chemokinesis as a means of rocket propulsion, enabling it to traverse space, and produce acid.

Sleeper's weaknesses

Like most symbiotes, Sleeper is vulnerable to sound and fire, leaving him unable to use his powers.