

Gleipnir Universe

Naoto's powers and abilities

Nanotech Upgrade - Like all Monsters in the Gleipnir universe, Naoto has ingested a nanotech cocktail that, on top of giving him a transformation, has greatly enhanced his normal human physique to near superhuman levels. His life expectancy and senses have also been increased. His body appears to repair itself fairly rapidly, being able to heal from broken bones and the like in only a few minutes.

Transformation - Naoto's transformation acts much like Shuichi's, although his does not have a weapon and instead has much more pronounced claws. During his battle with Kaito, Naoto performed much better than Shuichi and Claire despite having no one inside of him. Naoto can also presumably fuse with someone, although he has not yet had the opportunity to demonstrate this ability.

Intelligence - Naoto demonstrated a good degree of tactical intelligence by accurately accessing his options during his fight and having an exit strategy ready should things go poorly.