
Grand King Ghidorah (Rebirth of Mothra)


Toho Expanded Universe

Grand King Ghidorah's powers and abilities

Flight - Grand King Ghidorah can fly in an atmosphere at Mach 3. He can also fly through space at sublight speeds, but an exact speed is never stated.

Anti/Gravity Beams - Grand King Ghidorah can fire electricity-like energy beams from his mouths and from the claws on his wings, the latter of which are weaker than the ones from his mouth. His mouth beams can be combined to form a much more powerful beam weapon, known as the triple tornado. This attack was enough to injure and knock around Rainbow Mothra.

Gravity Manipulation - Grand King Ghidorah can levitate himself and objects around him with his control of gravity. He can even use this ability to continue flying without one or both of his wings.

Fire Breathing - In the Cretaceous period, Grand King Ghidorah was able to breath fire and launch fireballs at his opponents. It is unknown, but conceivable that he could continue to do so in his Modern form.

Regeneration - Grand King Ghidorah is capable of completely regenerating his body as long as some part of him is left, as demonstrated by his regeneration to full strength from a left over tail. He can conceivably return from his severed wing he suffered in his final battle with Mothra Leo.

Psionic Powers - Grand King Ghidorah absorbs the life force of sentient beings to both sustain himself as well as to gain strength. To keep these targets docile while the process happens, he can hyponotize them and effectively make the targets slaves to his will. Once a target is under his sway, he can teleport them at will.

Energy Barriers - Grand King Ghidorah can create two different types of barriers, one to protect him in battle and one to act as a shelter for his brainwashed food. The former was powerful enough to protect him from most of the energy attacks launched at him by Mothra Leo. The latter acted as a true structure, preventing victims from leaving by way of a corrosive effect on the walls while keeping unwanted transgessors away or pull them in with tentacle protrusions. This dome helps Grand King Ghidorah siphon life energy.