
Which Character has the worse Fanboys

Created by ManofPower, 5 y 11 mo 11 d ago.

From Superman to Goku there's fanboys for every characters. But which character has the worse


Hesperus 4 mo 20 d
Which Character has the worse Fanboys
40 months member
Saitama fanboys, their personal scaling ideology is based on simple this Saitama > Omnipotence. Saitama always wins even against omnipotent characters because he's a gag/comedy character.

this is Fans belief of a gag character 'always winning' are Assumptions beyond that move into speculation rather than evidence-based reasoning. People are free to enjoy OPM however they want. and it should be kept in mind that not all fans are like that. But claims any one Gag character would definitely win against all others isn't a valid argument We shouldn't state one is factually stronger without understanding their specific powers. and no one viewpoint should dictate how others experience fiction.
MoNsTeR 4 mo 21 d
Which Character has the worse Fanboys
58 months member
they overrate homelander like it was on par with invincible or even superman
ThorMathews 4 mo 26 d
Which Character has the worse Fanboys
69 months member
Hulk fans in my experience are extremely difficult to debate with. As they say it's hard to win an argument with a smart person but impossible to win against a dumb one. And I like Hulk his fans just bother me sometimes