

Carin Taylor

Velocity's powers and abilities

Carin can run at speeds in excess of 10,000 miles per hour (16,000 km/h), but has yet to max-out her speed for fear that she could rip the world to pieces. She has been shown to sustain speeds in excess of Mach 3, as when she destroyed a warship from within while saving Cyberforce from an updated killer robot. Cyberdata cybernetically implanted layers of Kevlar under her skin to avoid friction burns. Her speed also grants her super-fast reflexes. In issue #31, when she spends a day with her sister Cassie, Carin also demonstrates that her eyes can move at an incredible pace as well, allowing her to follow the path of a card while playing a game of three-card monte. The Brain Box also enhances her reaction time and ability to process sensory input, so she will be able to control herself and understand what she sees and hears when moving at high speed.

Lately she has gained Ultra-Sapiens abilities. When activated, these allow her to sprout sharp ridges along the outer length of her arms and legs, as well as the ability to quickly heal from injuries.