The Crow

The Crow

Eric Draven

The Crow

The Crow's powers and abilities

Animal Telepathy

Eric can communicate with the crow inside of his head. It's implied he can do the same with cats.


Eric has tactile empathy, able to feel the emotions and see the memories of others by touching them. He can also absorb and store these memories and emotions to transfer into others, usually as a form of torture; this is shown when he virtually kills Top Dollar in the first film by making him feel thirty hours of Shelly's pain.


Being already dead and resurrected by the Crow, Eric cannot die a natural death.


Although Eric can feel pain, he's nearly invulnerable to harm due to his ability to quickly regenerate and cannot be harmed by conventional means if sustained in the act of fulfilling his vengeance.


As a reborn, Eric does not need to eat or sleep.