

Titanus Scylla


Scylla's powers and abilities

Secretions- Scylla is able to excrete a variety of substances from her body. One of these was able to heal and partially reduce the damage done to the polar ice caps. Another was a a liquid filled with a deadly water-borne bacteria.

Physique - Scylla has properties of many aquatic species, mainly focused on nautili, spiders and squids. Like a nautilus, she has a thick shell covering her actual body. This shell can be shed for a quick escape, although it leaves her vulnerable afterwards. She has an array of tentacles that emerge from the lower part of her body, which when used together are sufficient to give Godzilla pause. Her spider-like legs are capable of piercing Godzilla's skin, although they lack the capability to do lasting harm.

Intelligence - Although not the brightest Titan, Scylla has shown a unique adaptiveness to situations. One such example is using abandoned detritus to fashion a temporary shell for herself after losing her natural one. She has used everything from rock faces to sunken warships to accomplish this.

Scylla's weaknesses

Curiosity - Scylla has an innate curiosity that got her into trouble with Godzilla after she became entranced by an armed nuclear warhead that had fallen into the sea.