

Mark Grayson

Amazon Invincible


Royce 16 d
6 months member
How I would structure Invincible Season 3: Heavy spoilers for comics and possibly S3.
Episode 1 "You are fired": Follows Mark and Cecil's quick fallout. Ends with Eve and Mark getting together.
Episode 2 "You don't deserve this": Follows Eve and Mark's relationship and how it grows and builds the relationship between Mark and Oliver. Olvier and Mark get their new suits right at the end. Post Credit scene is a teaser of Battle Beast in the prison with Allen and Omni-Man.
Episode 3 "How strong are you?": Omni-Man and Allen's breakout of the Viltrumite prison. More of Eve and Mark. More of Kid Omni-Man and Mark.
Episode 4 "A lesson for your next next life" Mark gets dragged into the future to fight an insane Immortal who became King of the Earth. Kid Omni-Man's first solo adventure and later kills the Maulers. Mark figures out someone's watching them.
Episode 5 "I've seen him do it" After their escape Nolan and Allen are instructed by Thaedus to find the weapons Nolan wrote about in his books. More of Kid Omni-Man and Mark. Even more of Eve and Mark. Amber new boyfriend plot maybe if it's even included? End credit scene is a teaser of Tech Jacket. Post credit scene is Angstrom telling the alternate Marks that "It's a start."
Episode 6 "It can't be him." Viltrumite War part one bascially. Eve gets injured. Rex's death. Maybe some Allen and Nolan scenes as fillers?
Episode 7 "Still standing." Mark refuses to leave Eve's bedside. Fallout between the Invincibles and Angstrom who swiftly sends them away. Mark finds Angstrom and epsiode ends with Mark ramaging through the rubble and hearing a voice off screen "Stand for my arrival, worm."
Episode 8 "You won't live to see tomorrow." The intense battle between Mark and Conquest in the first half. The aftermath of it in the other. Mark declares to Oliver that he won't hesitate to kill again.
Last edited: 16 d ago.
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Royce 16 d
6 months member
@rotemeg8gmailcom @MoNsTeR @RatnikNaSjeveru2005 @Tigerking2020 @Juggenaut @Aleazlllll Thoughts?
Last edited: 16 d ago.
39 months member