Best memory you've had with someone on the site
Created by DarkProdigy, 6 y 2 mo 11 d ago.
Would def be with me, Nemian, Creature, Tracer, ManofPower, and Holy Joe was there for a second on the Heartstone comment page lol
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Jongensoden 4 y 2 mo 12 d
Best memory you've had with someone on the site #
Becoming a Scarlet witch fan
ManofPower 5 y 7 mo 30 d
Best memory you've had with someone on the site #
Honestly I've had a few good memories on this site. When I first joined I met @IMABATMAN42 who will always be one of my greatest friends on here. Me and DarkProdigy creating the Prodamon Universe which eventually led to the creation of The Varosverse , SoulCollector57 teaching me all he knows on debating , AkhilPDX helping me with the DBs and of course @Galactus making me a Mod and hopefully Herald! (I definitely don't deserve like Soul or Nemian does)