
Vice Versa

Suza Vice

Vice Versa's powers and abilities

Vice Versa has three conditional powers�??conditional as in she can lose them easily.

She is a First�??the oldest child of the oldest child of the oldest child�??and also a Second�??the second child of the second child of the second child�??due to her killing her older twin brother during delivery. Instead of having one primary and one secondary ability, she has two primaries.

Like all Vices, she has two forms: a mental form and a physical form. Her physical form is her actual body. Her mental form is what she sees when she uses her powers�??glowing yellows, greens, and blues depending on what she's doing. In the beginning, she could only control one at a time�??so if she wants to use her powers, her actual body is vulnerable. She can't use her powers while moving, and when she does use them, the world around her blurs and her senses dull. Her mental form is like the astral projection in Dr. Strange, but different. It's described as a glowing golden blob. As she develops her powers, the blob starts to become more humanoid, and slowly begins to look more like her. The more control she has over her ability, the more the blob resembles her physical form. When she's reached total control, she can control both forms at the same. This is often described as "having two tabs open on a browser" or simply multitasking. It allows Suza to shift between her mental and physical gazes, as well as defending herself when she uses her abilities. At the highest point, a Vice is able to merge their mental form with their physical form, in a state known as fusion. This results in them becoming lighter but faster, and then strange markings appear on their skin. Keeping fusion is impossible to do for more than three minutes, due to the strain it puts

Her First ability is known as flashback: in which she can look into a person's past injuries and pull them back into the present. If a person broke their arm a few months ago, she can make them break their arm again, even though she didn't touch them. However, this can carry consequences for her, too. She can't exactly "look" into someone else's past, she feels it.