Tobias Church

Tobias Church

Tobias Church

DC Television Universe

Tobias Church's powers and abilities

Peak Human Condition

As a gangster and crime lord, Church was in top physical condition. He was physically powerful enough to contend with and even briefly outmaneuver Green Arrow in their confrontations.

High-Level Intellect/Expert Tactician/Leader

Church was able to eliminate the main crime bosses in multiple cities and force gangs into his own gang. He has great leadership skills, being able to command a highly diverse group of criminals. In a very short amount of time, Church almost managed to create a large crime syndicate by allying with the other power players in Star City.

Expert Interrogator/Torturer

Church is extremely skilled at torture, having broken many victims. It is hinted that this is mostly due to prior experience and he eventually learned how to perfect this skill. Church was able to break the street-tough Rene Ramirez after a week of torturing him to get information on the Green Arrow, allowing him to learn the vigilante's public identity is Oliver Queen.

Master Combatant/Brawler

As a crime lord, Church was highly skilled in close quarters combat, able to outmatch Rene Ramirez and Green Arrow with little struggle, but he was not a match for Prometheus.

High Pain Tolerance

After Oliver shot him with an arrow, Church was barely fazed as he pulled it out. He was still able to stand up and keep fighting Oliver for a time, showing a lot of endurance.