Theos (Library verse)

Theos (Library verse)


Theos's History

n the beginning, there was only Theos (Elohim/Adonai etc.) Everlasting in His being, alone with His thoughts throughout the endless expanse. After eons of solitude, an idea was born within the Nous/ mind of Theos. He desired to create - to bring existence from non-existence through the power of His will. And so He spoke the first words that would shape all things: "Let there be...". With that divine decree, the realities erupted into the void. Stars, planets, dimensions - all forming at the whim of the Creator. Within these worlds, He sculpted life in myriad forms to inhabit His handiwork. Yet not all responded to His design with reverence. Some rebelled, desiring to corrupt what Theos had made pure. A great war arose, shaking the heavens. But even the haughtiest foe could not stand against the Maker's supremacy. Order was restored by Theos' divine mandate. Though contention might persist, His rule remained sovereign over all He had summoned from the formless mists of eternity past. Alone again in the wake of creation, Theos surveys His work stretching to infinity. But He is not lonely, for His essence permeates every speck that is, was or will be. All things abide by His will alone as the one eternal, omnipotent God. After establishing order, Theos chose to withdraw from directly governing the realities and instead set protocols for their operation. He imbued physical laws and metaphysical structures so the worlds could function autonomously. However, Theos did not fully remove Himself. His divine presence remains interwoven throughout creation. And certain powerful spiritual beings act as His proxies, charged with specific roles like creating life or judging souls. Chief among these proxies are the elohim, heavenly entities resembling the Abrahamic angels or divine council. They carry out Theos' will on a grand cosmic scale.There are also numerous lesser spirits which inhabit the worlds. Some aid inhabitants, while others mislead. All originated as sparks of Theos' essence and retain connection to their Source. Sentient beings across the realities hold varying beliefs about Theos. Some revere Him as the primary Creator. Others ignore or deny Him. Still, none can evade His ultimate authority over their destiny. Theos remains completely in control, but also allows free will. Through benevolence or consequences, His plan will come to pass. And one day, He may choose to consummate all things in a new utopian creation. So in the Library-verse, Theos/Elohim established a diverse yet systematically ordered reality over which He maintains absolute yet sometimes hidden power, presence and knowledge as the sole God. Throughout the vast reaches of creation, Theos surveys His handiwork. While order has been restored, echoes of past rebellion still linger. Some worlds suffer under oppressive rulers, while others face destruction.But Theos does not intervene with raw power alone. For at His core exists perfect, unconditional love - a love that inspired Him to birth existence from nothing. And so He acts with compassion. In a humble corner of one realm, a divine light appears as a solitary figure. Taking mortal form, the aspect of Theos living as a man moves to uplift the downtrodden. Through acts of kindness, justice and sacrifice, society is reformed Word spreads of this healer imbued with miraculous gifts yet humbling Himself. Some recognize the divine fingerprints and worship their Creator anew. But many powerful hearts remain cold. When confronted, the false authorities perceive this man as a threat. Though innocent, He is condemned to the cruelest fate. Yet even in torture and death, divine love remains steadfast. At the moment of demise, a cry shakes the heavens - "It is finished!". But with those words, new life erupts throughout the cosmos. For Theos' essence cannot be overcome, and through the ultimate act of love has now opened for all a path home. Theos' presence withdraws once more having shown that, beneath structural order and destiny, His true nature will forever be perfect compassion embracing all things. Creation echoes with gratitude for such a loving Father. Throughout the Library-verse, Theos had established a realm of order, love and peace. Yet some still refused to embrace the Father, instead fomenting resentment towards the Almighty.A fallen archon named Samael grew proud, convinced he could overthrow the rightful King. With lies and deceit, he swayed millions of souls against their Creator.When Samael's massive army declared war on the heavens, a shudder passed through creation. But Theos only sighed with sadness for the lost children. He spoke: "Go forth, my beloved. Subdue the revolt with grace, not vengeance. I desire not their destruction, but redemption."As battle raged, angels wept to harm any, instead disarming rebels with compassion. When Samael faced Theos, wrath fled at an embrace of pure forgiveness. "Your hate cannot diminish my love, child. Lay down your pride - all are welcome home." Humbled, Samael fell weeping, healed. Theos' love proved mightier than any force. Where before was noise, now echoed hymns of praise. The victorious Father smiled, joyful in reunion not triumph. Here at the wellspring all found rest, in the infinite heart of He who loveth all things.