The Flash

The Flash

Jay Garrick

DC Television Universe

The Flash's powers and abilities

Speed Force Connection/Meta-Human Physiology

Jay possesses a natural connection to the Speed Force, allowing him to perform physical feats well beyond normal human capabilities. Despite his relatively advanced age, Jay's conditioning is similar to the much younger Barry's, able to continue battling for long durations.

Accelerated Healing Factor

As a speedster, Jay's cells are capable of regenerating at an accelerated rate, allowing him to heal rapidly from injuries and resist disease.

Bodily Vibration

Jay has the ability to vibrate his cells and overall parts of his body on command for various effects, as shown when he vibrated his hand to split the iron mask that was put on him by Zoom, destroying it. He had enough control of this ability to break only a piece of a mug to demonstrate how time was changed it could not be truly turned back the way it was.


Jay produces orange electricity from his body when he taps into the Speed Force highlighting his natural, unaltered connection to it.

Superhuman Agility

Jay possesses far greater balance and bodily coordination than a normal human, allowing him to easily maneuver while moving at superhuman speeds.

Superhuman Durability

Jay possesses far greater resilience and stamina than humanly possible (especially considering his older age), allowing him to easily withstand extreme exertion and impact forces, allowing him to easily survive with being savagely thrown around and beaten about by Savitar with only minor injuries.

Superhuman Perception

Jay is easily capable of visually keeping up with and perceiving the movements and actions of other speedsters when they are moving at super-speed.

Superhuman Reflexes

Jay's reaction time is augmented to superhuman levels, allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than normal humans.

Superhuman speed: Jay is able to run at phenomenal superhuman speeds, as shown when he ran through a breach back to Earth-2 with Harry and Jesse. He was fast enough to intercept Barry in the Speed Force when he tried to change the timeline again. Despite his immense speed, Jay Garrick was swiftly defeated by Savitar.

Interdimensional Travel

Through the opening of a dimensional breach, Jay is able to push through the fabric of reality with his super speed, letting him travel to different dimensions.

Superhuman Momentum

Jay is able to generate great amounts of physical force through kinetic energy, simulating superhuman strength, notably allowing him to grab Barry while he was time traveling, and yank him out into 1998, causing Barry to be sent flying through the air and into a truck when he appeared. He was also able to send Savitar tumbling across the floor by striking him at super-speed, while the latter was freed from the Speed Force and was caught by surprise.

Time Travel

Jay has proven to be adept regarding time travel, capable of intertwining between the past, present, and future at will. Jay has told Barry that he is able to travel through time as he has done it before, and has proven to be highly proficient in this ability, to where he can intercept other speedsters attempting to time travel through the Speed Force, and pull them from different points in time. He also seems to be aware what time he arrives at when time traveling, as he told Barry that they were in the 1990s, possibly from bringing themselves to that time on his own. In addition, Jay seems capable of locating where other speedsters are in time as he found Barry Allen, who was five months in the future, and pulled him back to the present after Barry had been there for only a few minutes.

Superhuman Stamina

Jay is able to withstand the stress of moving at superhuman speeds, without showing signs of weakness or fatigue.

High-Level Intellect

Jay has shown to have knowledge of the 5 by 5 tap code as he used it to communicate with Barry Allen and Jesse Wells when the mask Zoom had locked onto Jay's head prevented him from talking. Being a veteran speedster, Jay has extensive knowledge of the Speed Force and its capabilities, such as how to send objects into the dimension itself to keep them from being found by anyone. Jay also possesses a great deal of knowledge about the Speed Force's lore, legends, and the culture of Speedsters.