Scorpios Rex

Scorpios Rex

Scorpios Rex

Jurassic Park

Scorpios Rex's powers and abilities

Quills - S. Rex is covered in sharp quills that are envenomed. The venom on the quills can quickly incapacitate and kill a human by itself and can cause larger dinosaurs to act irrationally and aggressively in small doses. A Ceratosaurus was also killed by the venom alone with no other apparent injuries.

Thermal Vision - Although the Scorpios can see in the normal spectrum of light, it can also see body heat, which allows it to detect prey that would normally avoid its vision.

Unique Build - The Scorpios's uniquely gangly build allows it to run quickly and jump incredible distances for its size. It is also uniquely gifted at climbing, allowing it to scale trees, rock formations and other obstacles with ease. This especially factors into its hunting style, where it will climb to the highest location and jumps onto unsuspecting prey from above.

Scream - The S. Rex's high pitched scream is loud and strong enough to disorient those in its near vicinity.

Scorpios Rex's weaknesses

Psychology - Scorpios Rex is a mentally unstable creature, being highly erratic and distractable. While this can be a boon for the creature, it has proven its undoing as well. Two examples include when it became transfixed by a fire and almost let the Campers escape or when it heard a large explosion far away and abandoned pursuit of Yaz to check it out.