

Prime DC Comics Universe

Reach's powers and abilities

Gravity Manipulation: Reach possesses the ability to mentally manipulate gravitons, enabling her to control gravity. She can surround any object or person including herself with gravitons thus increasing or decreasing the Earth's pull of gravity upon it.

Flight: By decreasing the pull of gravity beneath her, she can fly at any speed or height at which she can still breathe.

Movement Impairment and Graviton

Attraction: By increasing the pull of gravity beneath her opponents, she can pin them to the ground, having made them too heavy to move, or cause sufficient gravitational stress to impair the normal functioning of the human cardiovascular system. She can also cause an inanimate object to radiate enough gravitons to give it its own gravitational field, able to attract nearby matter and energy.

Graviton Blast and Force Field Generation: By rapidly projecting gravitons in a cohesive beam, she can generate a force blast with a maximum concussive force equivalent to the primary shock wave of an explosion.