


Nike's History

It is often said that history is written by the victor. If that is true, then history is shaped by a single Goddess: Nike, the winged warrior.

When the fastest runner bears a golden medal, when a cunning hunter slays the fiercest beast, when the soldiers seize the day, the Faithful of Olympus praise Nike. Without her favor, failure is ensured, and obscurity certain.

Even mighty Zeus, a king among Gods, seeks the favor of Nike. On the smoke strewn fields of antiquity, when the God of Thunder marched against his Titan forebears, Nike fought by his side, her dauntless blade inspiring confidence in her allies as they faced an impossible foe. Without her, all the heavens are left to wonder if Zeus would have carried that day. Had Zeus fallen, the world as it is known would have fallen with him.

So, all hail the victor! She has finally taken the field. As Gods and Gorgons clash and battles most fierce and foul are fought, she alone shapes the day. For history is written by the victor, and Nike is victory incarnate.