



Neith's History

Neith is the goddess of spiders, the daughter of Elder Goddesses Oshtur and Gaea, and the younger sister of the wasp-goddess Shathra. Being a child by godly standards, Neith enjoys acting like a child which includes playing and relaxing, as well as frequently pestering her older sister Shathra to play with her.

Once, Neith begged her sister to play with her, but Shathra boasted that their mothers had tasked her with designing a celestial map of the multiverse. Shathra created the "Great Nest", to which Neith told Shathra that she was overthinking the assignment, and created her own design in the form of a web. Although their mothers were unimpressed by Shathra's design, they offered Neith the opportunity to try her hand at the task. Neith created the Great Web to chart humanity's destiny, also creating spiders to repair, maintain, and expand it. Shathra dismissed her sister's creation as too chaotic and disorganized. A believer in free will, Neith crafted the Web of Life and Destiny so that humanity would be free to chart their own paths, which opposed the ordered rigidity of Shathra's Great Nest. Somewhat on the lazy side and not as attentive, Neith created the spiders so that she wouldn't have to do the work of repairing, maintaining, and expanding the web herself.

However, Oshtur and Gaea were greatly impressing by Neith's Great Web, showing off her creation to the other gods and nominating her as the shaper of the Multiverse. Neith only agreed on the condition that Shathra would not mind. Shathra wished her well even though her own heart had become blackened with spite. By the time Neith finished building the Web of Life and Destiny, Shathra became so consumed by envy and hatred that she transformed herself into a wasp-like dark goddess and was determined to one day have her spider-wasps take revenge on Neith and her spiders, making her Great Nest a reality to supplant the Great Web.

It is unknown what became of Neith by the time the Inheritors conquered Earth-001, though by that time the Great Web had come to be housed in a massive temple overseen by a powerful Spider-Totem called the Master Weaver, the future persona of the Inheritor Karn.