

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by Mr_Incognito

55 months member
I’d also like to point out that it’s hypocritical of you @Tigerking2020 to require all of this crazy evidence that isn’t founded in fact to upgrade mk characters, yet you give characters like Galactus and Odin huge stat boosts without providing any proof whatsoever. Your Marvel bias is showing once again.
55 months member
I just edit behind the scenes nowadays, but I saw this discussion and I had to weigh in. First of all, I don’t appreciate my edit being overruled without any justification @Tigerking2020. Also, as I told ManofPower in that discussion, nigh-omnipotence depends on power, not tier.

Quoting a vs debating site: “The idea that a character has to be Tier 1 or anything to be Nigh-Omnipotent is absolutely wrong. This goes back to Omnipotence as a concept, which is infinite power and based off this logic in mind, any character can theoretically be "Omnipotent" relative to tier. This page goes off the logic that Omnipotence itself is just simply infinite/absolute power relative to a dimensional level and as such, anyone who meets the requirements outlined above, can be considered "Nigh-Omnipotent" in a sense. That being said, people making the assumption that you need to be High 1-A or anything like that to be "Nigh-Omnipotent" are under the fallacious notion that "Omnipotent" (aka infinite power) correlates to dimensional status, when in actuality it doesn't by definition.”

Id argue I am more versed in the mortal kombat universe than anyone else on this site, and the one being has been stated numerous times to hold near infinite power and control all of existence. It also has demonstrated this through feats.
55 months member
@RatnikNaSjeveru2005 I honestly can’t think of anything that I care less about than your opinion of me.

