


Merlin's History

Many know the legend of King Arthur, and yet the man who set that legend into motion remains shrouded in mystery. His origins, and the source of his power, are secrets known only to him. Even his very nature is questioned. Is he simply a man greatly adept in the magical arts? A demon? Or something in between? Whatever the answer, what is beyond doubt to all who encounter him is that Arthur's right hand, the great wizard Merlin, is a being of immense wisdom, and formidable strength.

In the ages of warring kings, where ruler vied against ruler and only the strongest rose to rule the land, Merlin pledged his skills in service to great sovereigns as both an advisor and a devastating battle mage. A collector of secrets and ancient lore, Merlin is a master of arcane wizardry, able to wield a myriad of elements and harness them to his will. He also devoted his mind to the art of prophesy, one day foreseeing the rise of a ruler destined to stand above all others, and unite the land beneath his banner.

When Uther Pendragon fell in battle against the barbarous hordes of the invading Saxons, Merlin swore an oath of fealty to his successor, Arthur. From that day, the mage never left the wielder of legendary Excalibur's side, a tireless advisor, fellow warrior, and friend. Together they brought about the rise of Camelot, and the unity of a once fractured land. The foul Saxons were driven back across the distant sea, and the people of the kingdom knew peace, justice and prosperity.

To any who think to cross Merlin, beware. Many have tested him, seeking his knowledge, his secrets, or the source of his power for themselves. And few, if any, have lived to tell their tale.