Lord Devastator

Lord Devastator


Lord Devastator's powers and abilities

Tier - At least 4-B, higher as an Amped Titan. High 2-A with his mace | Low 2-C, higher as an Amped Titan and in Berserker Mode. High 2-A with his mace | 2-C | At least 2-C, more than likely 2-B. higher as an Amped Titan, in Berserker Mode and as a God of Titan | 2-B, higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II. High 2-A with his mace | 2-A, higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II. High 2-A with his mace | High 1-C when incomplete. At least 1-A, possibly 0 when complete | 0 Powers and Abilities - Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception, Information Analysis, Longevity, Reactive Power Level, Adaptation, Immortality (Types 2 and 3), Regeneration (Low-High), Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Large Size (Type 0), Flight, Force Field Creation, Precognition, Body Control, Density Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Weapon Creation, Elasticity, Size Manipulation, Technopathy, Vibration Manipulation, Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel, Duplication, Energy Projection, Aura, Invisibility, Heat Vision, Rage Power, Berserk Mode, Self-Destruction, Transformation, Statistics Amplification, Reactive Evolution (limited), Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Reality Warping, Matter Manipulation, Transmutation, Gravity Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Absolute Zero, Existence Erasure, Void Manipulation, Technological Manipulation and Time Manipulation | God of Titan - All previous powers, Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Energy Absorption, Matter Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Electricity Manipulation, Danmaku, Plasma Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Breath Attack, Fire Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Holy Manipulation (limited), Weather Manipulation (involuntary) | The Genesis Gage - All previous powers, Immortality (Types 1, 8 and 10), Regeneration (True-Godly), Acausality (Types 1, 2, 4 and 5), Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Large Size (Type 11), Self-Sustenance (Types 2 and 3), Void Manipulation, Durability Negation, Transmutation, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Time Manipulation, Life and Death Manipulation, Resurrection, Time Travel, Soul Manipulation, Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation (Types 1 and 3), Spatial Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Creation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Summoning, Astral Projection, Petrification, Curse Manipulation, Magic, Healing, Sealing, Age Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, BFR, Status Effect Inducement, Morality Manipulation, Power Bestowal, Cloth Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Corruption, Clairvoyance, Existence Erasure, Body Puppetry, Power Mimicry, Power Nullification, Paralysis Inducement, Sound Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction, Magnetism Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Possession, Power Absorption, Probability Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Necromancy, Blood Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Transduality, Plot Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Ectoplasm Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience, Nigh-Omnipresent | Heavenly Amp - All previous powers, Holy Manipulation, Nigh-Omnipotence (Type 1)

Weaknesses - Devastator is arrogant and prideful, and can easily lose his temper. He also seeks strong opponents, and will therefore allow his opponents to reach their full power for the sake of a good fight. He is also part cybernetic, so strong enough electromagnetic pulses can disable him. His height manipulation and duplication techniques are very draining on his body, and he cannot maintain the Amped Titan transformation for too long without the risk of destroying his muscles. | The Genesis Gage - None notable

Attack Potency - At least Solar System level (Fought evenly with Titan Saga Heartstone, and in the process created shockwaves that were destroying solar systems on the other side of the galaxy, ripping open black holes and obliterating trillions of stars), higher as an Amped Titan (Doubles his power, and allowed him to initially overwhelm Titan Saga Heartstone before she adapted). Multiverse level with his mace (Holds the Lantern of Power. A single Genesis Lantern is stated as being capable of destroying a multiverse, which is a twelfth-dimensional structure) | Universe level (Stronger than Volume I Heartstone prior to her absorbing Antithesis), higher as an Amped Titan and in Berserker Mode (Grants a twenty times multiplier). Multiverse level with his mace | Multi-Universe level (Surpassed Heartstone�??s full power prior to her death before Armageddon) | At least Multi-Universe level, more than likely Macrocosm level (Equal to Volume III Heartstone, who cracked the wall of the lobby, which existed in a nexus at the edge of the macrocosm, constantly colliding with the force of all of its infinite timelines. Also cracked the wall after Heartstone did it). higher as an Amped Titan, in Berserker Mode and as a God of Titan (God of Titan is a one hundred times multiplier onto base form. Easily stomped Lord Infernikus) | Macrocosm level (Fought evenly with The Warrior Supreme, who was superior to The Assassin Supreme, who could casually one-shot macrocosms), higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II (Grants a multiplier twice as strong as God of Titan). Multiverse level with his mace | Low Multiverse level (Comparable, albeit slightly inferior, to Heartstone. Defeated Skarlet. Held his own against Queen Shikrah�??s first form, although she clearly had the advantage), higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II. Multiverse level with his mace and as a God of Destruction (After gaining the powers of a God of Destruction, he became strong enough to match and defeat the South God of Destruction, Mahdva. All of the Gods of Destruction are capable of casually wiping out the complex multiverse and matching beings like Ultimate Heartstone) | Hyperverse level when incomplete (It was stated by Zeus that even with only three out of five Lanterns, Devastator was capable of ending creation with a thought). At least Megaverse level, possibly Omniverse level when complete (Casually swept through and defeated the entire cosmic hierarchy) | Omniverse level (Fought and defeated Samael, who was capable of casually wiping out the entire omniverse and The Garden, which was equal in size or larger than the omniverse)

Range - Galactic (The shockwaves from his fight with Heartstone reached to the other side of the galaxy), Multiversal with his mace | Universal (Scales to V1 Heartstone), Multiversal with his mace | Multi-Universal | At least Multi-Universal, more than likely Macrocosmal | Macrocosmal, Multiversal with his mace | Low Multiversal, Multiversal with his mace and as a God of Destruction | Hyperversal when incomplete, Irrelevant when complete (Beyond dimensional scale, range is meaningless to him) | Irrelevant Speed - Massively FTL+ (Far faster than the normal Titan soldiers, who can travel at 4.00276914237782427e+76 times the speed of light. Blitzed Heartstone at the beginning of her fight before she began to adapt) | Immeasurable (Easily capable of moving around in a realm where time is constantly being dilated and warped. Faster than V1 Heartstone, prior to her absorbing Antithesis) | Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Immeasurable when incomplete, Nigh-Omnipresent when complete (Connected to all of the aspects controlled by the Genesis Gage, some of which go throughout all of creation) | Irrelevant (Completely beyond all spatial and temporal dimensions, essentially making him beyond speed itself)

Durability - At least Solar System level (Survived a prolonged fight with his equal, Heartstone), higher as an Amped Titan | Universe level, higher as an Amped Titan and in Berserker Mode | Multi-Universe level | At least Multi-Universe level, more than likely Macrocosm level (Survived the infinite-universal nexus at the edge of the Macrocosm with complete ease). higher as an Amped Titan, in Berserker Mode and as a God of Titan (Casually swam through attacks from Lord Infernikus) | Macrocosm level (Survived attacks from The Warrior Supreme and tanked a strike from The Assassin Supreme), higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II | Low Multiverse level (Survived attacks from Skarlet and Queen Shikrah�??s first form), higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II. Multiverse level with his mace and as a God of Destruction | Hyperverse level when incomplete. At least Megaverse level, possibly Omniverse level when complete (Tanked attacks from all of the Cosmic Hierarchy with little discomfort) | Omniverse level (Survived attacks from Samael)

Lifting Strength - Stellar (Comparavle to Heartstone), higher as an Amped Titan | Immeasurable (Has fourth-dimensional strength), higher as an Amped Titan and in Berserker Mode | Immeasurable | Immeasurable. higher as an Amped Titan, in Berserker Mode and as a God of Titan | Immeasurable, higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II | Immeasurable, higher as an Amped Titan and a God of Titan and God of Titan II | Immeasurable when incomplete, Irrelevant when complete (Essentially beyond strength itself) | Irrelevant Stamina - Nigh-infinite, as his muscles continually repair themselves and do not produce fatigue toxin. However, he will drain when facing an opponent of similar power to him. His stamina will also lower quickly if he grows in size too much or if he duplicates himself too much. The Amped Titan transformation also drains his stamina quickly.

Intelligence - Supergenius (One of the smartest beings around, and consistently noted to be an intellectual rival of Heartstone. A skilled fighter and master tactician, capable of creating extremely advanced technology in all fields of science, and possesses vast scientific knowledge) | The Genesis Gage - Nigh-Omniscient (The Genesis Lanterns gift the user omniscience on a level greater than the Cosmic Hierarchy)

Key - Titan Saga | Cosmos Saga | Armageddon | Infernikus Saga | Trinity Saga | Current | Genesis Gage | Heavenly Amp