Library Of Limbo

Library Of Limbo


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The Library of Limbo contains a book weighing an infinite mass, containing infinite pages, and have the ultimate knowledge of the birth of the multiverse. In Final Crisis: Superman Beyond # 2, it reads to the reader, "In the beginning, there was only Monitor. This Monitor discovered an infinitesimal coalescence called the Multiverse on itself. Investigating the Multiverse, the Monitor sent a probe, discovering that finite beings create meaning, conflicts and events - stories. Unprepared for this new concept, the Monitor's probe split in two. One half became the Orrery of Worlds, while the other became a colossal representation of the greatest hero - a massive golden Superman. The Monitor created a progeny around himself, the Monitors of the 52 Universes of the Multiverse. They made their home in a vast city around the golden statue, which began to rust. The legend grew among the Monitors that the statue was a doomsday weapon intended to protect them from their ultimate enemy. It becomes attached to the story of Monitor Dax Novu the Radiant, first son of the original Monitor, who first explored the Multiverse, brought knowledge of the Bleed, and eventually gave his life to contain the entity called Mandrakk, who is prophesied to someday rise against all of creation."

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