



Lastlight's History

Lastlight, known more commonly by the name given to him by the Tau'ri of Atlantis, Michael Kenmore, or often simply as Michael, was a Human-Wraith Hybrid who was transformed from a Wraith into a Human by the crew of the Atlantis expedition using the Iratus bug retrovirus. The name was given to him by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard, but everyone, including other Wraith and Hybrids, call him by this name.

Lastlight started his life as a member of the hive ship of Highcloud, a powerful Wraith Queen. He was a warrior but with the mind of a scientist and grew to be highly ranked amongst his hive for over a hundred years. Eventually, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team came to the feeding grounds of his hive and Lastlight was sent to repel them but instead they fell into a trap and the Wraith were forced to flee. Lastlight was badly wounded and his cruiser was forced to abandon him, but as he had recently fed, he survived his wounds and was taken captive by the Atlantis expedition to be a test subject for the Iratus bug retrovirus.

The transformation was made possible by using an Iratus bug retrovirus developed by Dr. Carson Beckett and his team. The drug suppresses the Iratus bug DNA and allows the Human DNA that is naturally absorbed to come through. When a Wraith is transformed in this way, they lose all their previous Wraith memories in the process. The Atlantis team thought it would be wise not to divulge this information to Michael, and instead created a cover story in which he was captured by the Wraith and was rescued by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard's team. They also fabricated a back story for Michael which said that he is originally from Texas. However, all of that changed when he found a disc in the infirmary which eventually exposed the truth about his Wraith origins. He then kidnapped Teyla Emmagan and escaped Atlantis. Teyla was rescued while being taken to his Hive ship, although Michael, now transforming back into a Wraith, got away and returned to the hive.

Upon his escape, Lastlight ended up on the hive ship of Nightwind, a formerly powerful Wraith Queen who saw a way to regain her former standing in his story. Nightwind pretended that she wanted to use the retrovirus on her rivals and formed an alliance with Atlantis to do so. Lastlight, returned to Wraith form, contacted Atlantis when Nightwind's hive ship arrived and threatened to reveal the survival of Atlantis to the other Wraith if they attacked. During the alliance, Lastlight returned to his old room where he spoke with Teyla who he didn't expect to see again afterwards.

Lastlight was left stunned by the betrayal of Atlantis as he had negotiated with them in good faith. However, Nightwind saw Lastlight as an aberration and he realized she wasn't likely to let him live much longer. Wanting to survive and unwilling to let himself be treated as he was given his high standing aboard Highcloud's hive ship, Lastlight chose to ally with Lt. Colonel John Sheppard in his attempts to stop the Hive Ships from reaching Earth, as well as in rescuing Ronon Dex and Dr. Rodney McKay. With Lastlight's guidance, Sheppard was able to disable Nightwind's hive ship's hyperdrive and Lastlight rescued him when his fellow Wraith captured Sheppard. The two then went after McKay and Ronon and found them escaped from their coccons. Lastlight helped Sheppard locate the rest of his team and escape on a Wraith scout ship, but not before Lastlight disabled the hive ship's jamming code so the Daedalus could beam a nuclear warhead aboard and destroy it. Once on the Daedalus, after learning that the ship had expended all of its nuclear ordinance, Lastlight suggested instead that they use the new gaseous delivery method of the Iratus bug retrovirus on his hive and capture it, confirming he could fly it in such a case. Following Lastlight's plan, the Daedalus transformed the hive's crew into humans with the retrovirus.

Following the capture of the hive ship, Lastlight flew it back to Atlantis. However, he was still mistrusted by the expedition who refused to let him find his own way given the amount of knowledge he possessed. He was forced back on to the retrovirus, and was grouped with the other transformed Wraith on an uninhabited planet without a Stargate. He and about thirty of the other transformed Wraith suspected something was wrong, and killed the squad assigned to guard Dr. Carson Beckett, who had remained to continue the experiment. Having already begun to revert a second time, Lastlight and the Wraith summoned another hive ship. Lt. Colonel John Sheppard ordered Dr. Rodney McKay to bombard the surface of the planet from orbit to prevent any Wraith from leaving. Lastlight was presumed dead. However, possibly anticipating this move, Lastlight was able to avoid the fire and survive to be picked up. He later returned to Highcloud's hive ship, but as he was responsible for Nightwind's death, Highcloud banished him. He later suggests that this banishment by his beloved Queen along with his being transformed into a human twice drove him insane.

After his banishment, Lastlight began setting up labs on four planets and experimenting with the Iratus bug. His first experiment was a failure, resulting in ravenous, blind mutants that even he could not control. Because the mutants could not see, they relied on sound and sonar to move around and emitted a kind of fog from gills on their necks as a defense mechanism to hide them from view. He abandoned the project and it was later discovered by the Atlantis expedition.

Later, he more successfully created a genetically engineered species to take over the galaxy. One of the planets employed by Lastlight was that which was settled on by the Taranians after they fled Taranis. When Lt. Colonel John Sheppard's team went to investigate the resulting disappearances, they encountered Lastlight. He took Teyla Emmagan hostage and planned to have an Iratus bug feed on her. When Sheppard's team got close he fled and they arrived in time to kill it. Sheppard went after him and cornered him in a hallway. He escaped after one of his experiments attacked Sheppard. Sheppard's team escaped by stealing his Wraith Dart, while Lastlight and his army were forced to abandon the planet through the Stargate.

After the incident, Lastlight was able to acquire a Wraith Cruiser which acted as his main mode of transport. He believed that the initial experiments were crude and altered the retrovirus to create a newer life form that was the perfect balance between Human and Wraith. This was a being that was far stronger than a normal Human but lacked the greatest weakness of the Wraith: the need to feed. Lastlight tested the process on himself and he lost the feeding organ in his palm. Unbeknownst to the Expedition, Lastlight also abducted the Athosians and subjected them to the altered retrovirus, creating his own personal army of Human-Wraith Hybrids. At this point he learned - possibly from Kanaan - of Teyla Emmagan's pregnancy. Though how Kanaan knew is a mystery as Teyla herself only found out after the Athosians were kidnapped.

With his Wraith cloning knowledge, he was at some point able to create a clone identical to Dr. Carson Beckett using DNA he collected during his second capture by the Atlantis Expedition. With the cloned Carson Beckett's help, he re-engineered the Hoffan drug and began a covert campaign of distributing it around numerous Human worlds in the Pegasus galaxy. The people affected suffered a 30% fatality rate from this new galaxy-sweeping plague. His plan was to bring about the extermination of the Wraith by replacing them with Lastlight's hybrids, who would become the new dominant race in the galaxy. Many Wraith Hives would continue their culling, dying in the feeding process after being poisoned by the drug.

He then engineered an elaborate scheme to capture Teyla by entering her dreams through telepathy that spanned 10,000 light years. He used an illusion of Kanaan, the father of her child, to leave clues for her. Lastlight dispatched a Wraith Dart to capture her and bring her aboard his cruiser where he revealed his plans and stated that she and her child had an important part for the future. His cruiser headed towards his base of operations. However the Tau'ri vessel Daedalus, tipped off by Guide in exchange for Hoffan drug information, was already in orbit over his destination. Lastlight engaged the Daedalus in battle, but was unable to defeat the powerful battlecruiser while the Daedalus couldn't destroy his ship since Teyla was on board. After taking heavy damage, Lastlight retreated into hyperspace, narrowly avoiding the attempts of the Daedalus to disable his ship.

Lastlight took his ship to a dead world whose people were destroyed by the Wraith. There, he had another one of his laboratories to create more hybrids in his quest for galactic domination. He showed great concern over Teyla's child due to the fact that it was the offspring of two individuals with the 'Gift'. This made it important for his plans to further enhance his hybrids. He eventually discovered that the Atlantis expedition had uncovered his base of operations and decided to terminate the individuals undergoing the process rather than leave any loose ends to be found. He took Teyla back to his ship in order to escape during an assault by Atlantis's flagship team. After Teyla's guards were killed by the clone of Carson Beckett, Lastlight came to take Teyla away. He revealed that in all his creations, including Beckett's clone, he implanted a biological imperative that made them susceptible to his telepathic influence which meant the clone could not kill him. He stunned the clone and took Teyla to his ship where they escaped from the world.

After returning from the future, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard was able to use the information he had learned from the alternate timeline to go to the planet where Lastlight planned to take Teyla so she could give birth. Sheppard and his team arrived before Lastlight and Teyla had arrived but they triggered a booby trap set by Lastlight that caused the complex to implode. At the point the trap was triggered, Lastlight was sent an automated message informing him of this. He traveled to the planet to retrieve any survivors and torture them for information. Teyla confronted him about his plans for her and he seemed to almost regret that he was going to have to kill her as he had a hard time bringing himself to tell her saying he'd hoped she would understand, indicating that perhaps on some level he still does care about her after their brief friendship when he was human.

Just as his drones were about to retrieve the last two survivors (Sheppard and Ronon) they were beamed away by the recently arrived Daedalus. Just before they had beamed the survivors, Lastlight attempted to escape but the Daedalus was able to disable its hyperdrive just before he jumped into hyperspace. As the Daedalus had to drop its shields to beam the survivors, Lastlight's ship was able to cause considerable damage to it, disabling sublight and hyperdrive engines as well as the Asgard plasma beam weapons. As only the shields were going to hold for a short time, the Daedalus launched an F-302 fighter-interceptor strike against Michael's cruiser to which Darts were launched in response. This attack disabled the cruiser's main weapons as well as allowing a cloaked Puddle Jumper with Sheppard, Ronon and McKay aboard. This strike team was able to rescue Teyla (with the help of Kanaan) and escape in a Wraith Dart as well as permanently disabling the cruiser's hyperdrive. As soon as the team was confirmed safe, a recently repaired Daedalus destroyed Lastlight's cruiser, although his fate remained unknown at that time.

Lastlight did in fact survive by stealing the Puddle Jumper that Lt. Colonel John Sheppard's team used to sneak on to his ship. He then used that ship, in conjunction with a stolen IDC from Major Nelson to infiltrate Atlantis, and combining Wraith and Ancient technology, managed to create a force field with similar results as a Wraith stunner, disabling anyone who attempted to access the control tower. He then used the power from the Jumper to power the devices in the tower while cutting all power to the rest of Atlantis. His goal, once again, is to capture Teyla's son. Ronon Dex eventually escapes from his original capture, as he was in Stargate Operations when the stun field was established. However Lastlight was able to overpower and render Ronon unconscious. This distraction allowed Teyla to escape. In frustration, Lastlight activated Atlantis' self-destruct in an attempt to draw Teyla out, but this was unsuccessful. He then attempted to retreat with the DNA of Teyla's son that he had already taken vowing to clone him. During that time, Dr. Rodney McKay and Sheppard had devised to plan to use a jumper from the underwater Jumper bay, dial the Dial Home Device and use the Unstable vortex (for which Dr. Radek Zelenka had minimal control enough to drop the Stargate shield) to destroy Lastlight's jumper, thus rendering the stun field inactive and restoring Atlantis to its natural power. The plan succeeded and Lastlight was forced to flee with Sheppard in chase. As they battled on the outside of Atlantis' central tower, Michael was about to throw Sheppard over the side, but Teyla intervened and pushed Lastlight over the edge. His grip failing, Teyla kicked his hand from the ledge, dropping Lastlight to his death thousands of feet below.