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These are the 50 latest comments made by Konkent

58 months member
Goku (DB) I'm more of a person who likes to watch these kinds of debates than to participate in these kinds of battles but I believe Goku would take this fight.

Reason 1. Superman has always been shown to be a brawler even though he's learned some forms of martial Arts and fighting techniques he always falls back on brawling because that is what he is a brawler. He has also been consistently shown to struggle against actual fighters.

Reason 2. Though he has shown great strength and power throughout the years his strength is inconsistent not to any fault of his own but he can go from moving planet to struggling to hold up buildings or even spacecraft's also he can go from taking multiple sun explosions to the face to being hurts by Ray guns to some extent (not saying Goku isn't either but that is more from holding back or being out of shape or dropping his guard.)

Reason 3. A drawn out fight can actually drain Superman or extended feats of strength what everyone seems to forget is Superman's powers are given to him by the earth's yellow sun making him a solar battery but like all batteries when it uses energy or does something that is taxing on the battery it loses energy Superman can lose more energy then he can absorb to the point he can't do anything, his solar levels are also never consistent making him weaker or stronger.

But this is just my opinion and I enjoy seeing other people's opinion tbh both these characters are my favorite but I think Goku might take it but I don't think he could **** on Superman if he did win it would be barely.