Jet Jaguar

Jet Jaguar

IDW Godzilla (2011- )

Jet Jaguar's History

Jet Jaguar is a mysterious alien robot that came to Earth to help defend it from the Cryogs.

During Godzilla's battle with Orga and Gigan, Jet Jaguar suddenly appeared to assist the King of the Monsters.. Jet Jaguar flew into Orga's mouth and expanded inside him, causing Orga to explode. When Godzilla inspected Jet Jaguar, he tried blasting Jet Jaguar with his atomic breath, but managed to make Godzilla to turn his attention on Gigan. While Godzilla was distracted, Jet Jaguar noticed that Orga was trying to regenerate his entire body and so he set out to stop the kaiju, but ultimately failed. After Godzilla defeated Gigan, he became enraged and attacked Jet Jaguar by firing his atomic breath at point blank range and smacked the robot with his tail, but was knocked out after Jet Jaguar punched Godzilla's face. Eventually, Jet Jaguar flew to the Cryog ship to help Steven Woods and Chavez, but not before throwing Godzilla out to sea.

Later, Jet Jaguar fought Destoroyah, even shrinking to human size, then piloting Kiryu to fire the Absolute Zero Cannon, killing Destoroyah. He then attempted to stop the humans from setting off underwater explosives while Godzilla was in the area, but did not make it in time.

Jet Jaguar then disappeared for several years, but reemerged when the Trilopods attacked the Earth. Jet Jaguar traveled to Los Angeles to assist Godzilla in the battle against the creatures and fought against a Trilopod that had taken on Godzilla's characteristics, but was nearly destroyed by it. Jet Jaguar was saved by the timely arrival of Zilla, and joined with Godzilla and his allies to defeat the Trilopods. At some point in the battle, Jet Jaguar managed to attack Gigan and defeat the cyborg monster. After Godzilla destroyed Magita, Jet Jaguar observed Godzilla and the other monsters traveling out to sea, following them from a distance. Jet Jaguar was last seen human-sized being repaired in Dr. Ando's office.