Hobgoblin (2211 A.D.)

Hobgoblin (2211 A.D.)

Robin Borne

Hobgoblin (2211 A.D.)'s powers and abilities


The nanovirus Lar used to release Robin from prison unleashed in her staggering levels of physical ability, augmenting her strength, endurance, agility, and metabolism.

Strength level

The Hobgoblin is optimally able to lift 500 lbs.



Goblin Armor: In addition to having finger blasters, the Hobgoblin's protective armor allowed time/universal travel, chronal shunting, and projection of 3D images.


Goblin Glider


Biospores: The Hobgoblin's vertical thrust glider emitted a living vapor infested with nanotech biospores capable of infiltrating anything mechanized, allowing her to take control. She used the biospores to make Peter Parker, who was wearing his Iron Spider Armor at the time, hit himself many times before keeping him immobilized for a time.

The Hobgoblin also carried Pumpkin Bombs, Retcon Bombs*, an energized lasso, and a spherical force field cage.

*These bombs erased foes completely from history.