God (Seekers Into The Mystery)

God (Seekers Into The Mystery)

Vertigo Universe


Doomsday 2 y 15 d
God (Seekers Into The Mystery)
27 months member
God (Seekers Into The Mystery) shouldn't he be all-powerful? He is the eternal omnipotent God above and beyond all things who dreams Maya, the illusionary reality. He is The Primal Ocean, The Sea of Nothingness from which everything sprang forth and the ultimate reality beyond Maya, the reality from which all dreams emanated. He is the projectionist, while reality is the movie. Being part of everything and everyone, he guides all to the light that is himself

J.M. DeMatteis stated on Twitter that, God (Seekers Into The Mystery) is God...and contains whatever conception you have of God.
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Hesperus 1 mo 2 d
God (Seekers Into The Mystery)
33 months member
Yeah, he should to be omnipotent being.
Doomsday 2 y 2 mo 18 d
God (Seekers Into The Mystery)
27 months member
God (Seekers Into The Mystery) must be omnipotent. he is the creator of the multiverse in the graphic novel Seekers Into The Mystery