Future Gohan

Future Gohan

Son Gohan

Dragon Ball Verse

Future Gohan's History


Future Gohan lived exactly the same life as his main timeline counterpart until the point of the timeline divergence between Future Gohan and his main timeline counterpart that occurred when Future Frieza arrived on Earth in August of Age 764. Originally, Future Goku uses his Instant Transmission technique to arrive and kill Frieza and his father (Goku even states to Future Trunks in the main series that was what he was going to do), but the events in the series differ, as Future Trunks arrives and kills the tyrants in the main timeline instead of Goku, thus the timeline divergence. Future Gohan hails from the true original timeline (one without a Future Trunks coming back in time, obviously) and because of this, the events that unfold are far different from those in the main series.

Cell Saga

In "Ghosts from Tomorrow", a flashback via Trunks showcases Future Gohan waging a battle against Androids 17 and 18. In the flashback, Gohan battles with Android 18 first, but despite a few good blows, he is eventually smashed into a rock pile when Android 17 intervenes.

Before the downed warrior can rise again, the androids prepare to assault him, but Trunks steps in and slices off a few locks of Android 18's hair. Trunks is attacked but Gohan is able to save him.

However, he is quickly overwhelmed so he and Trunks hide among the ruins of the city in order to devise a plan. A flashback of Gohan picturing his dying father is shown, and he states he will strive to make him proud. The next scene shows Gohan and Trunks charging at the androids, but nothing beyond this is seen other than a large explosion and Trunks' narrative describing his mentor's death.

"Future" Trunks Saga

In the Bonus Story chapter, a flashback shows Future Gohan as a kid and it is revealed that the young Future Gohan survived the battle with the Androids as he had left to find the Dragon Balls and save the planet before Future Piccolo dies. He is picked up by Future Bulma in her airplane with baby Future Trunks in tow. She informs Future Gohan that someone has gathered the Dragon Balls and he checks the Dragon Radar noting they are all in one place.

They race to get the Dragon Balls before the wish is made. Unfortunately the Pilaf Gang had managed to complete the summoning and Future Pilaf bungles his wish resulting in himself, Future Mai, and Future Shu get turned into babies. Future Bulma and Future Gohan arrive too late and Gohan screams in anguish when he notices the Dragon Balls drop to the ground as stones instead of scattering across the Earth signaling the death of Future Piccolo and Future Kami.

Like what was seen in the TV Special, Future Gohan appears in Dragon Ball Super during Future Trunks' flashback. In it, Gohan is with Trunks sitting down when the androids attack a city nearby, Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan and asks Trunks to stay, but he refuses and wants to go with his master, Gohan agrees and when both prepares to go, Gohan knocks Trunks out and goes by himself to face the androids. Later, Trunks finds Gohan's dead body, much to his sadness and begins to cry, achieving for the first time his Super Saiyan transformation.

Although only appearing in flashbacks, Future Gohan's spirit was destroyed when Future Zeno erased Future Trunks' timeline to eliminate Infinite Zamasu once and for all. An image of Future Gohan appeared when Gohan arrived to wave Trunks goodbye, causing the latter to reminisce the times he and Future Gohan shared. A tearful Trunks dwells on his failure to protect his world, but was cheered up by Gohan's optimistic words. His soul still exists in the second alternate future timeline created by Whis.