
Who won in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith, Yoda or Darth Sidious ?

Created by Prion, 4 y 6 mo 1 d ago.

In their battle in Revenge of the Sith, some people actually think that Yoda won, some think that Darth Sidious won.
In my opinion, Yoda won that fight.


HeroicSacrifice123 4 y 5 mo 24 d
Who won in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith, Yoda or Darth Sidious ?
57 months member
Yoda had the upper hand throughout the majority of the fight. He won the lightsaber duel part of the fight, and even after Palpatine was trying to get away. Yoda had the upper hand but was forced to flee.
Jakcj 4 y 6 mo 7 h 53 m
Who won in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith, Yoda or Darth Sidious ?
78 months member
Yoda was more experienced. He could have won if it was just a wasteland. Notice that Sidious didn't even want to fight him close at the end. He was throwing the senate whatever boomerangs at him.

Just like I said Yoda is way more experienced than the sith lord. He would have taken him down. If Mace Windu could so could Yoda.
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Tyrannus 4 y 5 mo 29 d
Who won in Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith, Yoda or Darth Sidious ?
64 months member
Agreed. Sidious didn't want to fight in the beginning too as he tried to run.
"If so powerful you are, why leave?"