
Superpower discount bin

Created by InvertedQuantumSpectrum, 4 y 2 mo 7 d ago.

pick the 5 you would want
1) You can control the elements, but only nitrogen, titanium, and iridium.
2) You can time travel, but only every 10 years.
3) You can talk to animals, but the conversation must be about shipping people's names.
4) You can use telekinesis, but only with objects the same weight as you.
5) You can teleport, but only to North Korea, The Mariana Trench, and The Moon.
6) You can shapeshift into a chair.
7) Your right arm can lift 0.0003434375% more weight than your left arm.
8) You can grab stuff out of screens, but only diet cokes and pencils.
9) You can fly, but you can't stop.
10) You can read people's thoughts, but only when they're thinking of porn.
11) You can cheat on any test without getting caught, but you must give $100 to convince the tattletale, who knows, to not tell on you.
12) You can make people fall in love with you, but only bi people and gay turtles.
13) You can be president, but only during the four years, terrorists attack America.
14) You can become an anime girl, but you are naked and can only speak in Japanese.
15) You have laser beam eyes, but when used will damage your eyesight.
16) You can go into any video game but must best the main story to get out, and if you die in the game, you die in real life.
17) You can become anyone you want, but only for 10 minutes and have to go around streaking in their body.
18) You can learn if God is real or not, but then that memory of the answer will be erased from your mind.
19) You can ask a youtube any question, but you can only ask Morgz and Logan Paul.
20) You can make tiny black holes, but will then end the world because you made tiny black holes.
21) You will have a baby Yoda. No catch you just have baby Yoda, what more could you want?
22) Your pinkie finger can shoot acid, but only during the 4th period of high school during that one exam, you have to do.
23) You can turn invisible, but only during the night (useful for night robberies).
24) Your pointer finger can shoot cocaine when wanted, but only when your parents are in the same building as you.
25) Your middle finger can shoot any brand of soda but only one pint per hour.
26) You have X-ray vision, but it's scientifically accurate, so you just look at a person who sees all the way to their bones.
27) You now have super speed, but you can only go 100 feet at a time with a cooldown of 2 hours.
28) You can now see into the future, but only see 2 months into the future every 5 years.
29) You can slow down time but only during video game loading screens.
30) Every time you clap your hands shoot out confetti.
31) You can detect the nearest trash can.
32) You can talk to animals, but the discussion is limited to the third season of American Idol.
33) You can fly, but only in formation with geese, and you must migrate with them to spend the winter in a warmer climate.
34) You have X-Ray vision, but only for nachos.
35) Your little finger is 26% stronger than average.
36) You can shapeshift into a cactus.
37) You can travel back in time to your most embarrassing moments in high school. (But only to watch.)
38) You can change the weather, but only to a light drizzle. And only over your head.
39) You always know what time it is in Riga, Latvia.
40) You're invulnerable to death-by-crossbow.


Scarlet_Witch_Stomps 4 y 2 mo 5 d
Superpower discount bin
55 months member
2) You can time travel, but only every 10 years.
23) You can turn invisible, but only during the night (useful for night robberies).
27) You now have super speed, but you can only go 100 feet at a time with a cooldown of 2 hours.
28) You can now see into the future, but only see 2 months into the future every 5 years.
EmptyHand 4 y 2 mo 5 d
Superpower discount bin
66 months member
Dusk_Pikachu 4 y 2 mo 5 d
Superpower discount bin
54 months member
2 (You go in the future, get a lot of cool stuff and then bring them back.)
10 (Good for embarrassing people publicly.)
23 (Also good for sneaking up on people and...)
27 (Still really useful in most cases.)