Injustice 3 Concept?
Created by MS643262, 3 y 7 mo 10 d ago.
If there were to be an Injustice 3, what would the character roster look like?
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ForJustice1324 3 y 6 mo 17 d
Injustice 3 Concept? #
I really hope to see more of the New Gods for InJustice 3 like Orion, Steppenwolf, Highfather, Big Barda, Mister Miracle, or Kalibak along with Darkseid of course.
MS643262 3 y 7 mo 6 d
Injustice 3 Concept? #
Tyrannus 3 y 7 mo 7 d
Injustice 3 Concept? #
Ed Boon confirmed that it was actually Superman's ending that's canon. So whatever happens in Injustice 3 will have to take place from then on.