
Cosmology respect thread

Created by EmptyHand, 3 y 4 mo 24 d ago.

respect any verses cosmology, make sure to state what verse you're giving respect to in your comments, also make sure to not post multiple comments of the same verse, just type out 1 comment with scans and then if you find more reply to that comment with more scans


Walid27 26 d
Cosmology respect thread
23 months member
Family guy
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Walid27 26 d
Cosmology respect thread
23 months member
-The Basics
*Now we know Family Guy has a 2-A Multiverse at bare minimum due to there being an infinite number of universes of infinite size within the multiverse

*there's also a Space-Time Continuum in the verse so that just adds more to this 4-Dimensional plate

*we also see Family Guy runs on the many-worlds interpretation as we see universes where alternate events played out, and we see these universes are consistently parallel.

-It's Absurd Size
*In Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff we see the item known as the Multiverse Machine which Stewie states it to be an improvement over the last

*the Multiverse Machine's description is "There's an infinite number of multiverses. You're probably not cool in a lot of them"

this can't a mistake as the term multiverse is used way too much within the first and second events and it would have been corrected by now (Brian's reference to "Road to the Multiverse may be though it could be intentional as Brian consistently misunderstands The Multiverse Theory throughout Road To The Multiverse).
*The term isn't interchangeable with "universe" either as we see universe mentioned within the second event only twice and it's in referral to the main universe, where as the Dog Multiverse consistently is called a multiverse even within the event names (03:30) & (10:09)

*Poodle Stewie's experience and knowledge on Multiverse travel and the fact Family Guy writers are involved with this game also helps further support these statements, therefore an infinite x baseline 2-A cosmology, which is pretty big.

*Cutaways and their varying nature can make it difficult to understand how they work, though thanks to things like CutawayLand we have a better understanding of how they can function, CutawayLand contains several if not every cutaway within this history of Family Guy, we even get more evidence of this from Inside Family Guy: An Illustrated History where a category of cutaways are described as being "an even more Beyond state: a world and characters removed from Quahog, historical or otherwise"

implying This genre of Cutaways/CutawayLand in general are a different dimension entirely, giving for some pretty good BFR and creation.

-The Juicy Stuff
*Here is where it starts to get good, in the episode "Girl, Internetted" we see Peter get high on a fictional medication called "Pancresta", in the clip we see him transcend into a sixth dimensional being and points out how there's six dimensions

while people will try to refute this by pointing out he could have been hallucinating, we see this from Meg's point of view and Peter interacts with real world objects
*we also see proof of this from somebody else and they point out the exact same scenario and mentions the phrase "elevate to a higher level of consciousness" making this even more reliable

*lso drugs have been shown to play massive effects before

*and we also see "The 5th dimension" mentioned by Adam West giving more consistency to higher dimensionality in Family Guy.

So this would mean Family Guy has 6 spatial dimensions + 1 temporal dimension making it a 7-D Cosmology and characters scale to this as well (Other than the temporal dimension).

-Other Notable Things
*Family Guy's "Road to the Multiverse" depicted a Universe with no Christianity, in that Universe we saw Hot Meg who Stewie described as being "36-D"

this is likely just a bra size joke but given the context of "dimensions" in this episode you could argue otherwise as we have never gotten a straight confirmation for anything, the fact this is another universe and that it's more advanced does help to support it, although not by much.
*In "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side" Lois also mentions space having "infinite directions", this is useful for arguing infinite size in Family Guy but it's also possible to argue it potentially being High 1-B due to the oddly specific use of "directions", this could just as easily be hyperbolic although the specific use of these words make it difficult to say.
Walid27 26 d
Cosmology respect thread
23 months member
-God Or Stewie?
*This is a common argument people make when discussing Family Guy as we've seen both God and Stewie create the Family Guy universe, but Stewie literally explains it himself with the cause being the "temporal causality loop"
*therefore God and Stewie created the Universe, time and space via this.

-Who Scales To The Cosmology?
*Peter, Stewie, Brian and God definitely scale to the cosmology, Peter's reasoning being scaling to God, as we've seen him survive a groin punch and lightning strike from him.

*Brian and Stewie's reasoning is due to surviving the big bang, this is further supported by the explosion propelling them back into reality which we find out later in the episode that same explosion was the big bang

*we know they were affected by this explosion as they are depicted as damaged within the storyboard, described as being "propelled, "singed" and "dazed" in the script and due to them being radiated by it

while this scene never made it into the TV cut it's still in the extended DVD version and supported by them surviving the ripples in time and it was only cut for time and because the staff worried about how Seth wouldn't like the "Sciency stuff".
*Others who have fought with the latter consistently like Ernie the Giant Chicken, Bertram or Quagmire should likely scale too, we also see characters like Peter can summon the animator to do their bidding

these animators should be above the +1 dimension above the verse as we see them view the characters as 2-D and can easily manipulate the surrounding area, this could also apply to the player within some games as well, therefore this would grant the cosmology and the main characters Low 1-C (6-D) and characters who can summon the animators 1-C (7-D).