

Theodore Carson

Prime Earth

Firefly's History

Theodore Carson was a wealthy man from Gotham City who adopted the costumed criminal identity of Firefly. He used special equipment to commit his crimes, like a lamp helmet and a special belt that emmitted supersonic vibrations. As Firefly, Carson faked a robbery on his own mansion in order to drive away any suspicion. Because of his occasional social meeting and irregular activities, Kathy Kane became suspicious of Carson, but she came to the wrong conclusion that Carson was Batman. Kathy immediately started dating Carson, which made Bruce Wayne, the real Batman, a bit jealous.One time, Carson was in Kathy's home and before leaving, he dropped a note with one of his crime plans. Kathy assumed that the note was part of Batman's investigation and she decided to join Carson as Batwoman. Carson proceeded to capture her and then he moved on to steal from the Gotham Natural History Museum. Carson was confronted by Batman and Robin, who managed to stop the criminal with help from Batwoman, who had escaped from Carson's trap. After this, the reign of terror of the Firefly ended.