

Finn Ames

Mashle: Magic and Muscles

Finn's History

Finn Ames is a first-year student at Easton Magic Academy, and one of the main characters of the Mashle series.

Finn first appears during the Lock Opening Spell class, Mash causes a scene and Finn notes that Mash is a troublesome person he should avoid. Eventually, however, he learns that he's sharing the same room with him. Mash introduces himself and all of the individual muscles of his. When Mash asks Finn how one becomes a Divine Visionary, Finn discloses the Coin system to him leaving Mash crestfallen. After the conversation, Mash asks Finn for a spare broom for the flight class the following day as he brought a scrub brush instead. Perplexed as to why Mash did bring that, he still gives him his spare anyway though.

The following day, Finn witnesses Mash excel through the flight lesson by throwing his broom at an ultra-fast speed. He then rides on it, breaking a world record in the process. Afterward, Finn explains to Mash whom Lloyd Cavill is.