
Expanding the OC features.

Created by Galactus, 2 y 1 mo 19 d ago.

Would you be interested in more features/options when it comes to OC creation?
Things like; OC Super Powers, OC Locations, OC Species, etc.?

If so, would you be willing to pay for those features and how much? (once or per month with updates)


Galactus 1 y 6 mo 9 d
Expanding the OC features.
8+ year member
This is how I want to expand the OC features.
Instead of having a subscription model or a one time payment, I want to introduce new OC Slot Tiers;

The four free slots that you get for creating an account. You can only create Characters with these.

Same as the current Slots you can buy, but these will also let you create Locations, Objects and Teams.

These will let you create Powers and Abilities

These will let you create Species and Types

These will let you create Universes.

I think this is the most flexible way of implementing more OC features. You can buy what you need for your OCs, instead of buying a bulk of things you'll never need.
The pricing will change a bit, Bronze Slots will be a bit cheaper, but I'm still working on the final prices / buying options for each Slot Tier.

Let me know what you think about this approach.

You can still use all SHDb items (except for Universes) for your OCs, you are not limited to your own creations. Just like how it works now.
Last edited: 1 y 6 mo 9 d ago.
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Galactus 1 y 6 mo 8 d
Expanding the OC features.
8+ year member
I've been thinking about this the whole day. Made a spreadsheet for prices for each 'pack' of slots.
But maybe this is getting too complicated. Maybe there should be just a one time payment to let you create all sorts of things for your OC Universe. And buy Slots to create the profiles.

What do you prefer?
yes 1 y 6 mo 8 d
Expanding the OC features.
28 months member
I think you should stick to the one time payment but everything else sounds good 😌