Commander Ledros

Commander Ledros


League of Legends

Commander Ledros's History

Ledros is a Wraith on the Shadow Isles. His strong mind and his love for Kalista allowed him to retain his will instead of getting lost in the Black Mist, and he is committed to ending the curse of the Isles.

In life, Ledros was a respected member of King Viego's court, a strong man and fighter. He was chosen as the "King's Champion", or "Shield of the King," doing his bidding. At the court, he fell in love with the king's niece, Kalista. When he tried to give her a silver pendant, symbolizing his love, she refused due to their positions at the court.

Ledros was part of the expedition sailing to the Blessed Isles and was close when Hecarim and the Iron Order turned on Kalista. He blamed himself for her death, as he was too slow and didn't stop Hecarim. Ledros also was killed by the Iron Order, but both were subsequently resurrected as Wraiths in the Ruination of the Blessed Isles.

As a Wraith, his goal was to free the soul of Kalista, to stop her from losing herself as the Spear of Vengeance. At first, he hunted down her killers, convinced that destroying them would release her. He had killed Hecarim multiple times, but the horsemen only returned stronger from the mist. He even schemed to bring Kalista and Hecarim together, in the hope that killing him would finally free his love. She had killed him, but that too did not accomplish anything.

His many failed attempts led him toward self-destruction: He sought out the sunlight to destroy him, a purple-skinned sorcerer that tore him apart with runic magic, the faith of indigenous witches of Bilgewater burned him to nothingness, a blade that seared him with the intensity of the sun. All of that could not truly kill him; He always returned and awoke in the mist once more.

Returned from the Back Mist once more, he tried to break through to the Kalista he once knew and loved. He had discovered that his pendant still meant something to her, that it could bring her back for a short time. Together, they fought against a group of horsemen from the Iron Order, and after Kalista killed them all, he brought out his silver medallion. Kalista recognized him, but quickly was lost in her role again. This is when Ledros had a new idea: He named himself as a betrayer, claiming he betrayed her when she died. This pledge led to Kalista killing him, and as he dissolved into the mist, she recognized him.

The next time he returned, Kalista was there to meet him. At first he rejoiced, but then reality crashed over him: It had not worked. Kalista accepted his pledge, and moved on to the next betrayer. At this point Ledros realized that they can never be freed as long as the black mist cursed the isles, and decided that his new goal must be to end the origin of this curse, not knowing how close he was to freeing Kalista.