Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53863 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Heavenly Emperor (Shangdi)
- Heavy D!KOF
- Heavy DutyLamont A. MorrisG.I. Joe
- Heavy DutyHershel DaltonG.I Joe Film
- Heavy MetalFaith
- Heavy Tank FundoshiOPM
- Heavy TrooperStar Wars
- Hecatia LapislazulTouhou
- H�ctorRegular Show
- Hector BarbossaHector BarbossaPoC
- Hector DoyleBaki
- Hector HammondGL 2011
- Hector HammondRebirth
- Hector HammondHector HammondPrime Earth
- Hector HammondHector HammondNew Earth
- Hector JötunheimHector JötunheimGumball
- Hector MontoyaCriminal Case
- Hector SalamancaBB
- Hector The BulldogHectorLooney Tunes
- Hegel Von AxelHegel Von AxelUniverso Classico
- Heihachi MishimaTekken
- Heihachi MishimaHeihachi MishimaTekken09
- Heiji HattoriDetective Conan
- Heinkel WolfeHeinkel WolfeHellsing
- Heinrich HellstromEarth-90214
- Heinrich HimmlerEarth-90214
- Heinrich LungeMonster
- Heinrich TreadwayInfinite
- Heisuke EchigoyaTenchu
- Heizo HattoriDetective Conan
- Hek-SelMCU
- Helen BryceHelen BryceSmallville
- Helen ChoMCU
- Helen FlynnHelen FlynnNew Earth
- Helen GableEarth-616
- Helen StacyHelen StacyEarth-TRN888
- Helen WheelsHelen WheelsBen 10
- Helena DouglasDOA06
- Helena DouglasDOA
- Helena HarperResident Evil
- Helena TucciWatch Dogs
- Helena WalkerASE
- Helenka Nov�kov�Monster
- Helga BrandtJames Bond
- Helga HufflepuffWizarding World
- Helga JaceNew Earth
- Helga JaceNew Earth
- Helga SorensonJCA
- Heli-TeacherCknd
- Helios MK2HeliosBakugan
- HELIOS-3EStar Wars
- Helix DragonoidDragonoidBakugan
- Hell BikerSMT
- Hell DevilChainsaw Man
- Hell Doll (Necromancer)C17S
- Hell King SpawnAl SimmonsSpawn
- Hell's Maiden
- Hell-EyesEarth-616
- Hell-HoundAlien
- Hellbat IILois LaneRebirth
- Hellbound ThorEarth-616
- Hellfire FlameOPM
- Hellmaster FibrizoFibrizoSlayers
- Helm HammerhandTolkienverse
- Helmut WolfMonster
- Hemerdinger VictorThe Blue And White
- Henri DucardNew Earth
- Henri HayaoCv
- Henrietta AkabaYu-Gi-Oh!
- Henry AllenHenry AllenPrime Earth
- Henry AntrimMoriarty The Patriot
- Henry ArmadilloHenry ArmadilloMGPAM
- Henry BarrymoreBlack Butler
- Henry Bowers
- Henry BrogenHenry Brogen
- Henry CooldownNMH
- Henry Dean
- Henry FyffPrime Earth
- Henry GuptaJames Bond
- Henry GyrichEarth-8096
- Henry GyrichEarth-616
- Henry Heinemann
- Henry HendersonSpy X Family
- Henry HydeHenry HydeEarth-50
- Henry J. WaternooseMonsters Inc
- Henry JekyllNew Earth
- Henry JekyllLXG
- Henry JenningsHenry JenningsThe Americans
- Henry JonesHenry Jones SrIndiana Jones
- Henry MitchellHenry MitchellCharmed
- Henry OldreyCastlevania
- Henry StickmanHSM
- Henry StraussHenry StraussNew Earth
- Henry SturgesALVH
- Henry TurnerPoC
- Henry WattlesVD
- Henry WinchesterSupernatural
- Henry WuHenry WuJurassic Park
- Henya KariwaRurōni Kenshin Universe
- Heo IlseonGOH
- Hephaestus AetnaeusEarth-616
- Hepzibah SmithWizarding World
- Hera SyndullaHera SyndullaStar Wars
- Herbal ThoughtHerbal ThoughtDark Angel
- Herbert KnaupMonster
- Hercule Poirot
- Hermaeus MoraHermaeus MoraTES
- Herman Ferguson (1995)JDM
- Herman GreenhillBlack Butler
- Herman Von KlemptHell Girl
- Hermana LarmoHermana LarmoTales
- Hermann F�hrMonster
- Hermes ConradFuturama
- Hermes TrismegistusAC
- Hermione GrangerHermione GrangerWizarding World
- Hermione Granger (books)Hermione Jean GrangerWizarding World
- Hermione LodgeHermione LodgeArchieverse
- Hermosa LodgeHermosa LodgeArchieverse
- Hernan ReyesF&F
- Hero BrownHero BrownVertigo
- Hero Of KvatchTES
- Hero Of The SouthSousou No Frieren
- Hero PrinnyDisgaea
- Hero ZeroDavid MacRae
- Hero's ShadeZelda
- Herr KleiserEarth-3488
- Herr StarrVertigo
- Herr StarrKlaus StarrPreacher
- Hershel GreeneHershel GreeneTWD
- Herupa Hando HuNew Earth
- Hexus The Living CorporationHexusEarth-1226
- Hi Five GhostHi Five GhostRegular Show
- Hi-5Hector NievesGT
- Hi-StakesUEK
- Hiashi HyugaNaruto
- Hiawatha SmithHiawatha SmithEarth-8107
- Hibachi ShinmonFire Force
- Hibari KyouyaReborn!
- Hibari TakedaGod Eater
- Hibiki OtonashiHibiki OtonashiTgMID
- Hibiki TachibanaSymphogear
- Hideki RyugaDeath Note
- Hidemitsu IshizawaBakuman
- Hideo KuzeGITS
- Hideo ShimadaParasyte
- Hideyoshi NagachikaTokyo Ghoul
- Hideyoshi UshiromiyaUmineko Verse
- Hieda No AkyuuHieda No AkyuuTouhou
- Hien RijinHien RijinFF XIV
- Hifumi YamadaDanganronpa
- Hige Zero
- Higgs MonaghanDeath Stranding
- High Elf ArcherGoblin Slayer
- High EvolutionaryHerbert WyndhamMAU
- High EvolutionaryHerbert WyndhamEarth-691
- High EvolutionaryHerbert WyndhamEarth-13178
- High EvolutionaryHerbert Edgar WyndhamEarth-616
- High EvolutionaryHerbert Edgar WyndhamMCU
- High King AlgenusAlgenus KenrithMtG
- High Lord Of The House IXThane
- High MageTMNT 2003
- High MysticJCA
- High Ordinal Kayn (Odyessey)Sheida KaynLoLAU
- High OverlordNate GreyEarth-2841
- High OverrideBen 10
- High Priest Not To Be DescribedTcho-Tcho Lama of LengCthulhu Mythos
- High PriestessSamurai Jack
- High SparrowPlanetos
- High TMiB
- High VoltageBH6
- High VoltageBarb And Juniper
- Highbreed CommanderBen 10
- Higher EvolutionaryEarth-616
- Highfather OdinOdin BorsonEarth-9602
- Hijikata ToushirouGintama
- Hijiri KasugaKasuga HijiriTrinity Seven
- Hijiri-No-KamiHijiri-No-KamiValkyrie Crusade
- Hikaku UchihaNaruto
- Hikari MyoudouCv
- Hikari ShinomiyaKaiju No. 8
- Hikari UchihaNaruto
- Hikaru HizashiHikaru HizashiBeyblade
- Hikaru KamikiHikaru KamikiOshi No Ko
- Hikaru OobayashiKsliw
- Hikaru ShidouMKR
- Hikaru SuluStar Trek
- Hiko SeijuroRKFS
- Hikoichi TanumaBaki
- Hikone UbuginuHikone UbuginuBleach
- Hilda HenriquezGod Eater
- Hilda RhamblingHilda RhamblingTales
- Hilda SpellmanSTTW
- Hilde DickhautBlack Butler
- Hildegard Von LohengrammLOGH
- Hill MarvelEarth-5
- Himari AzumaHimari AzumaMSNS
- Himari KanoashiCv
- Himawari UzumakiUzumaki HimawariNaruto
- Himawari Uzumaki (Nine-Tails Mode)Naruto
- Himca HaulaMGNF
- Himegami AisaHimegami AisaToaru Universe
- Himiko TogaHimiko TogaMHA
- Himiko YumenoDanganronpa
- Himori AkiyamaK
- Himura KenshinRurōni Kenshin Universe
- Himura KenshinJumpForce
- Himuro RyoKenganverse
- Hinami FueguchiTokyo Ghoul
- Hinata HimezuruHinata HimezuruBlazBlue
- Hip FlaskHieronymous Flask
- Hippolyta MiltonNew Earth
- Hippy The Hepcat Of HorrorEarth-616
- Hiraks, The MindbenderThe MindbenderDestiny
- Hiro NakamuraHiro NakamuraHeroes
- Hiro ShishigamiInuyashiki
- Hiro TsukiyamaBlood-C
- Hiro-KalaHiro-KalaEarth-616
- Hirofumi YoshidaChainsaw Man
- Hiroim The TenaciousMonster Legends
- Hirokazu AraiChainsaw Man
- Hiroki MoriyamaCv
- Hiroko HagakureDanganronpa
- Hiroko ShimizuShiki
- Hiromi HigurumaJJK
- Hiromi MiyojiCv
- Hiroomi NaseBTB
- Hiroshi AgasaDetective Conan
- Hiroshi NakatsugawaCv
- Hiroshi RandaMonsterVerse
- Hirotaka NifujiWotakoi
- Hiroto MinakaSekirei
- Hiroto SakiOroku HirotoTMNT
- Hiroya TamoShiki
- Hiruzen SarutobiNaruto
- Hiryu RinMHA
- His HighnessMondaiji-tachi
- Hisashi IgouHoD
- Hisashi SasakiBakuman
- Hisato KojimaHajime No Ippo
- Hisoka MorowJumpForce
- Historia ReissAOT
- Hisui HeartsHisui HeartsTales
- Hit-GirlMindy McCreadyKick-Ass
- Hit-GirlMindy McCreadyKick-Ass 2010
- Hit-MonkeyMCOC
- Hit-MonkeyMonkeyEarth-1226
- Hit-MonkeyEarth-13178
- Hit-MonkeyEarth-616
- Hitagi SenjougaharaHitagi SenjougaharaMonogatari
- Hitch DreyseAOT
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