


Ultra Series Universe

Bemstar's powers and abilities

Suction Attractor Sprout - The red organ in the center of a Bemstar's torso allows the creature to absorb and digest bother energy and matter. Particularly large objects require the Bemstar to secrete a lubricating substance to fully ingest the object. Bemstar can also release large amounts of heat from this organ.

Bemstar Beam - A Bemstar can fire energy blasts from its horn of various intensities. Blue lightning can also be fired from its horn.

Ghost-Kun Beam - Bemstar can summon a hammer wielding ghost to attack an opponent.

Black Gravity Field = Bemstar can create a localized black hole to suck objects and enemies in.

Reconstructed - The reconstructed Bemstar was able to fire lasers from its eyes and emit two kinds of smoke/mist from its chest organ, both of which were toxic.

Flight - In atmosphere, a Bemstar can fly at speeds of up to Mach 5. While in space, it can coat itself in light energy to achieve FTL travel speeds.